First Case

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As we reach Bluemont I can see there's a lot of marines around. Gibbs explains  that there is a Army, Navy country club around here.

"Don't we have another case going on right now?" I ask

"Yes we do, our last murder was in Bluemont also" Gibbs explains

When we get to the murder scene DiNozzo is being really talkative apparently that's normal.

"Very Déjà vu's probe" DiNozzo jokes

"Very" McGee agrees

"The two murders might be connected" Ziva adds in

"We will check that out" Gibbs concludes

We collect evidence, and take a lot of pictures of every thing. Ducky concludes that our marine was strangled, just like the other case Abby was talking about this morning.

"Let's head back to base and see what Abby has found" Gibbs tells us.

When we get back to base, Ducky compares the two body's, and concludes that the have all the similarities, we are looking for the same killer.

Then Gibbs and I go to Abby for the killers identification.

   "Are you sure Abb's?, Marine McHolland's alibi checked out, his wife said he was home, all day watching movies with her." Gibbs questions Abby

   "Sorry Gibbs, but data doesn't lie people do" she replies.

Then Gibbs heads back up stairs, so I follow him in to the elevator, after I get in he turns off the power to the elevator.

   "Are you ready to go into the field, Agent Heart?" He asks me.

   "Yes one hundred precent, sir" I reply

   "Gibbs, is fine Lexi" he tells me

Then with that he flips the power to the elevator back on.When we get back to our desks, he tells DiNozzo and I to go get Marine McHolland, and his wife, and bring him back to NCIS.

   "So how's your morning been" DiNozzo ask's

He's trying to be casual.

   "Oh fine" I reply casually back

   "You should know that Gibbs has rules, about fifty" Tony adds in

  "Really" I ask

   "Yes really, and because I feel sorry about waking you up so early, i'll tell you them, well all we know of so far." Tony continues

   "Thanks, and if this is your way of saying sorry it's ok" I respond

He says thanks back, and then starts telling me the rules.


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