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I run In to the wooden dark room, and Mrs.Holland was on the floor, shot. I ran over to her.

"Mrs.Holland, are you ok?" I ask

She screams when I touch her shoulder, she was shot twice once in the shoulder, and once in the leg.

"TONY!" I scream 

Tony comes running down to the basement with Zack.

"Lexi where are you"?!? Tony asks me 

"In here" I reply quickly 

"Oh my" Tony replies when he sees Mrs.McHolland

Tony goes over to help her, so I grab Zack to make sure he doesn't try and leave. 

"Did you do this!" I scream at Zack 

"Maybe, Maybe not, you'll never know." Zack replies 

I dig my thumb nail in his arm.

"Ow ow ow ow Stop!" He screams

"Tell me did you do this to your wife?" I Suggested

"Yes!!, I did, now let go!" he answers

With his confession I grab Zack and drag him up stares to wait for paramedics.

When the paramedics arrive they get he's arm fixed. Then they go to Mrs.McHolland. They decide to take her to the hospital.

"Let's go" Tony demands Zack as he pusses him in to the car.

We drive back, very quietly.

"I can't wait to see Gibbs again!" Zack chirps sarcastically.

When Gibbs notices us with McHolland shot, and no wife he questions us. We explain what happened, and how he tried killing his wife, Tony and I.

"Take him to interrogation" Gibbs told DiNozzo

When Tony got back, he started telling everyone about how I shot Zack and keep him alive in the process.

"Nice job Lexi" McGee and Ziva told me

"Thanks guys, but it was nothing" I shrugged

Then a topic came up that I wish hadn't, my parents.

"How'd you learn to shoot like that? A shot like that doesn't just come natural." McGee asks

"My dad, he takes.... took me to shooting ranges, and hunting." I replied depressed 

I start thinking back to that day...

It was later at night, around five PM. I was just getting home from my prison, school. I walked in the door with my sunglasses on, half way in tears, and a nice black bruse now on my face. I ran to my room before my parents could see the bruse. I sat on my bed thinking about the horrible day I had, I turned on my ratio to The Headstones, and began to fall asleep.

Just as I was drifting to sleep there was this loud sound, like a door being broken. I quickly pulled out my phone and called 911

"Help someone I think just broke in to my house" I informed the lady on the other end

I told her my house address and hanged up.

I ran outside of my room, and I came almost face to face with the robber. Fear ran trough my body as he stared at me then, I took off running, he grabbed my hoodie before I could get very far, I screamed. Then my parents came running out, they must have been sleeping.

"Alex!" My mom screamed 

I mouthed the words "I love you" to my mom and dad. I knew this would not end well. My mom and dad ran towards me, then the gun went off 3 shots were fired, I was 99% sure I was dead until I looked up, my parents were dead and, the robber. The cops had gotten here just in time.


I realized I was staring at the carpet for like 5 minutes.

"Sorry" I replied

I sat down at my seat and, sighed I keep staring at my mom and dads photo. About 5 minutes later Gibbs came back.

"Interrogation starting, come one, come all." He Broadcast 

McGee, Tony, Ziva, and I wanted to see this so we all headed to the interrogation room.

"You get to see the Gibbs magic at work here Lexi" McGee informs me

I stay silent,we are behind a window, but in the room it is like a mirror. Then Gibbs begins.

"McHolland, where were you on the night of September 16?"

"I told you, I was at home watching movies with my wife, didn't that woman tell you that!!"

I stare at that man through the glass watching every move he makes, watching for the signs of him lying.

"I don't believe you" Gibbs continues 

"Why" Zack snorts

His nose rises like he smelt something sour.

"Well you shot at my team members, shouting 'you'll never take me alive', and you shot your wife, care to explain?" Gibbs questions 

"Well..., she was no good to me I hated that thing" Zack shouts 

I can see he's sweating and twitching, he's lying, defiantly.

Then Gibbs walks out of the room to the back room where we are.

"McGee, you and Lexi go check up on the wife, question her if u can." Gibbs tells us

"Got it boss" McGee and I say at the same time.

The New Girl {NCIS} -Book 1-Where stories live. Discover now