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My heels click and clack on the pavement as I make my way down the street, My skirt flowing in the wind as my hands grip my jacket. My curled hair bounces as I move my hand up to fix my makeup, ensuring no mascara has smudged underneath my eyes. I glance down at my watch, 6:58pm. Shit.

As I turn the corner I can see the club at the end of the street, different coloured lights and music escaping through the windows. As I approach the building the door is opened for me and I'm escorted to my table where my company is already sat.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I had some last minute work I completely forgot about," I grin as I slide into the booth, placing my jacket down next to me.

"Nah, don't worry about it, you're right on time," Harry laughs before taking a sip of his drink.

We order some more drinks, all alcoholic of course, while chatting and catching up with the usual conversations. How was work this week? How's your friends? Did you catch up on the news? Etc, etc...

"So," I ask slightly louder than normal so Harry can hear me over the music downstairs, "Why do you think we didn't talk much in school?"

Harry just stares at me blankly for a moment. My head cocks to the left and rests on my hands as I try to figure out what he's thinking. For a short moment, our eyes lock, and all sense of reality stops. I stare at him. He stares at me. 

"Well, If I tell you, you'll think I'm a dickhead," He chuckles, raising his hand up to cover his mouth.

"No I won't, I promise. It was a long time ago anyway," I smile.

"Well, I thought my mates would've made fun. You remember what they were like?" He looks down slightly as he answers, his body stiffening.

I think carefully before I answer. Harry's mates at school were notorious for judging and annoying people. They were the popular crowd that thought they were above everyone else and took pride in picking on others. Harry however, stuck out like a sore thumb. I often wondered why he hung out with them. He seemed to be the complete opposite, taking pride in making others laugh and trying to brighten their days.

"Thats fair enough, they probably would have," I smile, however my gaze soon falls to the floor and my smile fades. Harry must notice this as he slides over in the booth, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I look up to meet his eyes with mine, the smell of alcohol radiating off of us.

"You know, I always thought you were cool," Harry slurs his words, stoping me from getting my hopes up that he might genuinely like me, assuming he was only confessing because he is tipsy. 

"Yeah right, you're just saying that because we're here now," I smirk, turning to face him once again. 

"Nah, nah, nah. I genuinely thought you were really cool. You were...different," He says. My face scrunches up as I make eye contact with him.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, You actually put in effort at school. Nobody else in our year cared that much, they only cared about how their social status. I don't know, you just stood out, made me like you."


A/N: Hey, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Little reminder that I'm always here to chat if you need me, I love you all!!

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