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It's no secret that families are complicated. Some arguably more than others. Growing up with an absent mother and an overwhelming father was certainly a challenge, I'll tell you that.

"So, have you spoken to him?" My father asks as I sluggishly slump into my designated seat at the kitchen table, one that I've been assigned since childhood. I groan as my hand rubs my face, trying to register how it's possible to have a conversation so early in the morning. 

"What? Who?" I ask confused.

"Harry, Mr. Lewis," He lists, taking a large gulp of tea.

"Oh, yeah, kind of. I seen him at Tobi's birthday," I admit, pouring cereal into my bowl which seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Tobi?" My dad seems puzzled, and it only occurs to me now he has no clue who Tobi is. He's missing out, in my opinion.

"One of Harry's friends," I explain as my dad nods in agreement.

"Right, and how did that go?" 

"Fine. Alright. Decent, I suppose," I ramble on, unaware of the correct term to use.

"Well which one is it?" He jests, chuckling to my mother who has joined us at the table with some french toast.

"Ugh," I groan again, "I don't know, it felt... normal?" I almost ask, confused at which answer my dad is favouring.

"Has he apologised? It's the least that dick can do after that is apologise!" My dad states with significantly more anger coating his voice than before.

"He better have!" My mother chimes in, trying her best to join in the conversation but instead looking like she's awkwardly trying to butt in.

"Well," I stop myself in my tracks to consider if Harry has ever actually said the words 'I'm sorry' to me before, "It's complicated."

"I'm taking that as a no then," My mum rolls her eyes and I cannot tell if it's at me or Harry. I glare at her as I forcefully dunk my spoon into my bowl of cheerios, the milk almost splashing out of the bowl. My dad takes notice and the loud chewing of his toast comes to a stop, his eyes quickly bolting between the two of us. There's silence, and it's vastly different from the comforting silences Harry and I used to share - instead it's uncomfortable and cold - both of us just staring at each other, refusing to back down.

"U-Uh, so," My dad stutters, clearly doing his best to ease the tension that looms in the air of the room, "I spoke to your Aunt, a-and she should be coming to lunch with us this afternoon."

I'll give it to my dad, he knows exactly how to cheer me up. I can feel my stare soften as a smile creeps onto my face, my mum sharing a similar smile with her usual uncomfortable expression. My Aunt is possibly one of the nicest people in the universe. It hits me suddenly what I should do, possibly one of the best ideas I've had in a long time. My Aunt is one of the few people in my family who know me, like really knows me. If there's one person who knows what I should do about my complicated boyfriend problem, it's Aunt Daphne.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait on this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed reading this family dynamic going on here! Hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves xo

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