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My back slams against the wall as Harry's lips meet mine, his hands holding my face as mine reach up to rake my hands through his hair. I lightly tug at his roots, earning a groan from him, making me smirk into the kiss. Harry lets out an embarrassed chuckle before kissing me harder, making me let out a small whimper.

"H-Harry, we should stop," I manage to say in between kisses, making Harry let out a groan of frustration.

"What? Why?" He asks, seemingly annoyed but not stopping, moving his attention to my neck instead.

"Because," I laugh, "Emma should be coming home soon. Besides, what are we doing anyway?" I ask. This seems to take Harry by surprise, pulling himself away from me. His hands graze over my face in a comforting way as he gazes into my eyes and lets out a sigh.

"Shit, you're right. I'm sorry if I overstepped," He responds, backing away from me and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes meeting the floor.

"No, no," I say, grabbing his hands and pulling him closer again, "You didn't, I promise, don't worry," I attempt to comfort him, my hands moving to his face.

"Then, what's the matter?" He asks, resting his head against my hands.

"I just..." I begin, however I don't know how to finish the sentence, so it takes me a few moments to respond, "What are we, Harry?" I sigh.

Harry just stares at me, his head raising out of my hand. The feeling of regret washes over me as Harry moves away from me. I shouldn't have asked him. I could've ruined everything. Just from asking a question I could've just potentially lost the most exciting thing in my life. I know it's soon to say, but theres something about him that makes me happy, comfortable and, well, safe. I don't want to lose that.

"I...don't know," He admits, bowing his head in defeat, "But, do we have to know?" He asks, taking my hands and moving to sit on my bed, sitting me on top of him. I smirk.

"No," I reply, "But I'd like to know?" I ask, once again running my hands through his hair as he leans his head back onto my arms around his neck.

"Mmph, why?" He asks.

"Peace of mind?" I ask, smiling down at him. I think about it for a moment before deciding to let it go. Perhaps it's too soon to be having this conversation and we should just enjoy the moment and the time with each other.

"Know what? It doesn't matter," I smirk.

"No?" Harry chuckles, his hands wrapping around my body to hold me close.

"Nah, let's just... enjoy the moment," I say, bringing my lips down to meet his once again.

Harry flips us over, towering over me as I let out a chuckle, continuing our 'fun' and trying to savour the moment. However, I can't help but wonder where this time will lead us, what our futures will be and if they will involve each other. Deep down, I pray that Harry plays a huge role in mine.


A/N: Hello, Hello. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please be sure to leave a vote if you can and I hope to see you again soon :D

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