Brothers's advice

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Knock knock...

Vivek : Yes yes guys come in..

(Suddenly their legs are shaking they all are looking at eachother )

Vivek : come and stand in line in front of me... Hurry up
Pooja sit on bed sister 😊

Guys what was that.. I mean which kind of friendship is this?.. You guys leave your friend alone in that situation and ran away.. you guys are his friends? Really?

That Aunty was shouting on prince i was about to slap him and you all just ran away without thinking about your friend?Is it good action? You guys are such a coward people..  just because you  don't wanted to face bad consequences, you left your friend in that trouble?

( All the boys are standing in front of Vivek with their heads bowed they are feeling guilty for what they did with prince )

Prince do you really think that they are your friends?

Prince : They broke my trust bhai🥺

Vivek : See how sad he is because of you guys. Guys you know We gets all our relationships at birth like father, mother, sister, brother but only two relationship in our life we make according to our choice one is friends and second is our life partner
How you build and maintain those relationships is up to you

Today you all failed in friendship.true friends don't do that what you did today, true friends always support eachother in every situation, they become eachother's strength in any trouble and take stand for their friend in their hard time, they don't betrays eachother the way you did to prince

Om: Bhai it was my fault i ran away cause i was scared that you'll punish me so these both also followed me We are sorry.

Vivek : Sorry to me? Or to prince? Kids

Krish : prince we are sorry we were scared That's why we ran away we will not do that again please forgive us

Prince : It's ok... Bhai taught me if someone saying sorry from their heart that time we should forgive them so I'm forgiving you..Pooja thank you, you saves me from brother's anger today

Vivek : Oh yeh guys pooja is more brave than you she scolded me for her friend..
(Everyone looking at her with 😲expression... They are thinking still she is alive? 😂)

Pooja : Bhai please i was so angry you don't even try to listen me i was so frustrated so i spoke with little bit loud voice sorry bhai

Vivek : No sister I'm glad you took stand for your friend I'm glad that you supported truth. I'm proud of you.

(Everyone Watching Vivek with same expression 😯.. They are thinking Vivek is so sweet with pooja she Literally yelled at him still he is not angry with him)

Guys so do you understand what i said today
(They all nodded their heads)
Can't you speak?

all together : yes bhai we understood..

Vivek : I'm glad you understood but still you all are grounded for one weak... Also No TV..
(They all are just said yes while looking at down..but Adi rolled his eyes)

Vivek : Adi is there any problem?

Adi : No no bh... Bhai.
(Here pooja looking so sad she is thinking that she is also getting punishment with her friends.. Suddenly Vivek noticed that )

Vivek : but today someone scolded me, so for that person I've some more punishments
(Suddenly pooja looked up at vivek with such a shocking face )

Pooja : bhai you just say that's ok.. You praised me also and now... You can't do that
(Her eyes filled with tears🥺 )

Vivek : Oh God little girl i was just kidding with you.. Calm down

(Because of that her all friends and Vivek started laughing .. Also Vivek gave them ice cream party. after all they will meet eachother after one weak but they all learned real meaning of friend ship all thanks to Vivek )

My brother My Hero (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن