part 2

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Vivek : come prince..

Prince : Bhai.. I hope I'm not late today..

Vivek : I'm glad you're came on time,good...but i think you're here cause you did something wrong right?

(Prince looked down and nodded )

Come here kid.. Stand here.. (He pointed in front of him)

So First of all tell me Prince I'm sure this was not the first time.
How many time you did this?

Whenever you have finished school early in the past, you must have gone to pass the time like this, right?how many time you did?

Prince : bhai... I...

Vivek : And yaa I'll ask this  driver uncle too..If his and your answer will not match tomorrow I'll fired him for sure prince, so don't lie if you want to save his job.

Prince : Bhai it's not driver uncle's fault then why?

Vivek : How many time prince? (He yelled in anger )

Prince : Four or fi.. Five time bhai.. Please don't fire uncle..

Vivek : He should have inform me About this but he didn't.. It's his responsibility But instead of dropping you home on time he was just waiting for you whenever you went to wander..
He deserves that.

Prince : No bhai please.. Please don't do that it's totally my fault.. He just did according to my instruction.

Vivek : How dare you to do that hunn? are you mad prince.and those friends!which kind of friends you have?
(Vivek start to scold his brother )

I was so scare,... Instead of coming early you're Roaming around mall wow..and can you just believe everyday we are getting new case of road accident and kidnapping and all,prince just imagine how much i freaked out that time.

Prince : I know bhai.. I did wrong

Vivek : And also i ordered you that you can't go anywhere without my permission,you should have been at least informed me

Prince : I agree bhai... I'm sorry

Vivek : Prince you know, right now you're saying sorry,But if I had not caught you today, I would never have known about this.. Right?

I'm asking you something answer me?(he say in loud voice )

Prince : No bhai.. (He looked down and said in low voice )

Vivek : but I'll make sure that it won't happen again.

give me that stick (he pointed at one thin and long stick in the corner )

(Prince Also knows that this time it was his fault so he went without any argue.. He came with that stick and his eyes filled with tears.. He is so scared )

Vivek : prince face that wall and hand up on that wall.. You'll get 20 Strokes.

(Prince trun around to that wall and hold his hand up on that wall .. As soon as his hands went up.. One such a harsh stroke came.. )

(He couldn't handle that pain his brother was hitting him again and again continuously,)

Prince : bhai please bhai please it's hurting I'm sorry( he start to cry so hard )

(Vivek said 20stroke but at twelve he stopped )

Vivek : put your hands down prince turn around..

(He gave him hug and making him comfort.. Prince is crying like a little baby on his brother's shoulder he is hissing in pain )

Vivek : Shh.. It's ok prince... Sit here.. (He sat him in study chair )
Drink water prince take it.

(Prince can't even sit properly because of pain)

I'm sorry prince I know it's hard but please next time be careful

(he gave some time to prince he was rubbing his brother's back to comfort him after few time prince is calm now )

Vivek : Prince have you learned your lesson buddy?

Prince : Bhai I'll not go anywhere like this.. I'll at least inform you or uncle if I'll go.. If my school will over early I'll come directly to the home or I'll inform you...

Vivek : Good prince.. My brother is so sensible.. I'm so Lucky to have you as my brother prince I'm sorry i punished you like this it must be hurt right?.. Sorry.

Prince : unn hun bhai It was my fault..


Vivek : Yehh?

Prince : Bhai You won't fire uncle right..please.

Vivek : I won't buddy.. Don't worry (he patted prince's head and smiled )

You can leave now.. And yaa this Sunday I'll give you a test of maths so be prepared ok?

Prince : yep... Bhai.

(Prince left the room.. vivek again feeling guilty But this time that kid was deserving this.)

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