part 3

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Prince was so upset, and also he was so angry on him self.. He was blaming his self... And crying while sitting on the bench in garden..

Prince's POV
So stupid I'm.. Why i did that? Why i forgot that every good thing which i learn from bhai.. If he'll found that i tried to cheat in exam.. What he will do to me.. First i showed carelessness in study.. And now this. This time i can't even say sorry to him, he will not listen my any single word for sure. Such a bad person I'm. Several times he told me to study.. Uncle told me million times but...

(He cried for an hour and then went home..his feet freezed at the door as soon as he saw his brother who was reading book in drawing room..)

(Prince tried to hide him self start to go upstairs directly... But suddenly ).

Vivek : Hey.. Hi kid.. How was your paper..?

(Prince stopped and looked at his brother.. Who was looking at him with doubtful eyes.)

Prince : (he looked down ) g..g..good bh.. Bhai

(His was literally stammering, his words were unclear..)

Vivek : pri...

(Before his brother say something prince ran to stairs )

Vivek's POV
What's wrong with there anything wrong? He was looking so scared..

Vivek : uncle...!

Uncle : yes..?

Vivek : Uncle go to Prince's room. He was looking sad, i don't know why but he was ignoring me.. He ran...

Uncle : he must be tired maybe.. Don't worry,you stay, I'm going to him.

Knock knock ...

Prince's POV
Oh God, he came to check me, no I'm not opening the door... I won't..

(Prince was literally losing his mind cause of fear...)

Uncle : son Please open the door..

Prince : no i won't.. i know bhai is also with you.

Uncle's POV
It means he did something wrong... Oh God..this house is full of drama really.

(Uncle took one deep breath)

Uncle : no he is reading book down stairs.. He told me to come here prince open the door share with me.. Please I'm here for you.

(Prince opened the door slowly and start to cry when he saw his Uncle )

Uncle : What you did... Which makes you cry like this kid????

(For the first time instead of being emotional uncle asked him with cold tone)

Prince : (he went in his room... And uncle followed him..)you can't save me this time Uncle.

Uncle : hunn? Ok.. But what happened..?sit. First.

(Prince was constantly looking at door )

Don't worry your brother knows that you ignored him, so he sent me, he'll not come.

Prince : I can't ignore him uncle, he is my brother.. It's like my guilt couldn't let me face him... I'm sorry.

Uncle : Prince I'm so worried now  please tell me.. Please stop cry and say.

Prince : uncle.. Ac.. Actually.. (He was telling his uncle whole incident )

(As his uncle was hearing his words he was getting more and more angry.)

Prince : Trust me i didn't do it  purposely, bhai warned me so i just wanted to save my self from trouble but then i made huge mistake because of it..

(His uncle was just looking at him in disbelief )

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