Secrets of The Companions

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They say that the Companions can help.
That they were the greatest warriors
of Tamriel.
They said I was a fool to join,
they said werewolves were gone.

They said that the Companions
were the greatest warriors of Tamriel.
They said I was a fool to join,
they never said that I would be offered
a choice.
Blood or Beast.

They said that the Companions
were the greatest warriors of Tamriel.
They said that I was a fool to join.
But did they say that they were
Did they say that they would offer
me a position among their ranks?
Did they say that I would become
a fellow beast?
They did not.

They say the werewolf was
the forsaken of Tamriel.
They never said that the Dragonborn
could he shunned.

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