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My enemy
I have met upon the grounds
of battle.
In Helgen,
he freed me and then
turned it all around.

I am Dragonborn,
I must kill the mighty Alduin,
he soars in the lands of death,
while I, search upon
the lands of the sounds.
I am Dragonborn,
I must kill the mighty Alduin,
he soars in the land of souls,
while I search upon
the lands of the alive.

He sits atop
a huge mountain,
his portal to the afterlife
silenced and shut.
As I unleash the portal's power,
I take my leave,
of the land of the living,
towards the land of the dead.

I meet more of my kind
inside the misty world.
We call our nemesis Alduin,
and force him to the ground.
With sword and arrow,
we slay Alduin, his soul
returning to the realm of his

The world was saved by
The Dragonborn,
Slayer of Alduin.

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