Thieves Guild

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I met a man
in Riften.
He appeared as a merchant who
commented my wealth.
I accepted his plight and assisted
in stealing and thievery.
I was plunged into the Guild.

Dirge and Vex,
Tonnilia and Delvin,
Sculptor and Vekel,
Sapphire and the rest.
We all were indulged in
the Guild.

Little did I know,
that my leader, Mercer, stole
from the stealers. We lost
our treasure and I was
yet again,
plunged into the world of magics.

I now was a
Soldier of Nocturnal.
A thief of the realms of Daedra.
Why did I commit a foolish
I found Mercer and cut
off his head.
Leaving his bloodied body
in a room of salty water.

I became the leader of the Thieves Guild.
Master Thief and Chieftain of Speech.

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