chapter 14

110 13 21

After meeting they both reached the company.

Lisa, jisoo and nancy were having their coffee.

"You are going on date with Mr kento yamazaki, who is Mr jeon's biggest rival, are you gone crazy, don't you love your job?" Jisoo said, it this nancy choked on her coffee

"Hey, it's not a date okay, it's just friendly dinner " Nancy stated

"Let's see, I think he likes you, but what about Mr jeon let's pray for her ,Lisa she in trouble"

"Now, you're being dramatic, jisoo" Lisa said and nancy agreed.

7 o'clock:-

It's time to leave, nancy has promised to have dinner with kento. She headed to take permission from jungkook and to give him coffee. But this time he asked for two cup of coffee.

Nancy can hear a girl's voice, is she yelling at Mr jeon. After seeing the scene doubted were they fighting.

"Yes, miss nancy ,come leave cup here and you can leave" jungkook said

But before she would leave that girl called her

"So, you're his new secretary?"

"Yes, myself min nancy, nice to meeting you ma'am" Nancy politely introduced herself.

"I'm minatozaki sana and I'm Mr jeon jungkook's finance" She proudly said

"Oh...that's great, you both will look so good together" Nancy was shocked about this girl being Mr jeon's future wife, of course course she is beautiful but.

"You want to say something miss nancy" jungkook asked

"Yes sir, can i leave now, I told you about my leave in morning"

"Yes you can, see you tomorrow, good night" Sana was stunned to think, jungkook never speak in that tone with her even if she is going to be his future wife and that made her jealous of nancy

"Thank you, good night sir, good night ma'am" She was going to leave but sana stopped her

"Nancy, umm... Can you please take this with you, by the way the coffee was great" Who nancy to refuse, nancy thought what she thought about her minute ago was wrong, she is actually nice lady.

"Yeah sure"

But that thought was wrong, sana intentionally sip the coffee on nancy which made stained on her shirt.

"Oh my I'm really sorry miss nancy oh shit I'm so sorry, it wasn't intentional" Sana

Nancy knew it was intentional but who was she to react to her.

"It's okay ma'am, it will get removed after wash"

"No, it's not okay. Sana that was intentional, wasn't it?" jungkook spoke

"No jungkook why would ever do that on purpose, why you always think wrong about me" Sana tried to be innocent.

"If it wasn't, then properly apologize to miss nancy" jungkook know every trick of Sana.

"No way " And with that she left the office. jungkook called her but she left

"I'm so sorry for this Nancy" jungkook said to which she just smiled and said

"It's okay, Mr jeon, it will go away after wash"

"But how can you go home like this, wait here I will give my extra shirt" jungkook was an extra room behind his office.

"Here, wear this, you can change in room, I will wait outside "

Nancy has to agree, she promised to meet kento. this time she didn't want hurt kento and also she doesn't have time to go home and change

His shirt was big for her, but it can't to helped now but the problem is that she can smell his Cologne on shirt which feels so good

She came out of room and jungkook was checking her out which was hella awkward.

"It's looks good on you" Unknowingly jungkook blushed seeing her in his shirt.

"C-can I go now Mr jeon?"


Both of their faces was as red as tomato.

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