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First dates are supposed to be awkward and something you make fun of down the line. They're not supposed to make you feel sick, and like you want to disappear in a ditch. Well, there I was on Jaime's bed waiting for someone to take a butcher knife and put it through my heart.

There I sat in Jamie's room listening to her blabber on and on about Spencer, Spencer this, Spence that. How cute his greasy hair looked this way and how he smelled. Honestly, it was so annoying my head was gonna explode.

She had only been seeing this dude for two weeks and she was squealing over him like a boy band groupie.

Mackenzie's jealousy is an ugly thing.

"Jaime, let's go do something. Anything that doesn't involve a guy. Specifically Spencer." I piped in, no longer wanting to drown in mental agony.

She paused holding this corduroy orange tank top she had pressed against her chest. Assuming she was talking about what to wear on their next date I quickly snatched it and gave her a hard no.

"Orange isn't your color, babes. So food? Maybe a movie? Some Mac and Me time heh?" She could tell I was being sarcastic, she rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys.

"We are getting burgers because I know you weren't listening so I chose dinner." My hand covered my mouth fighting the laugh that wanted to escape.

Having alone time with Jaime meant the world to me. It was like I learned something new about her every day even though I knew her since I was 6.

"So, have you spoken to your counselor yet ?" I rolled my eyes and sipped my milkshake.

Here we go with this again. My brain started to throb. College.

If it wasn't Jaime's current boyfriend she was drooling over it was her dream school.

"Mac!! You need to start applying for christ sakes senior year is almost over. And I for one am not leaving high school without my best friend." Sarcasm fit her well and I despised it.

"I know. I know, I'm just not sure what I want to do with you yet." As Jaime was about to speak a big pair of hands wrapped its fingers around her face. My nose knew that stench anywhere.


"Guess who?" He said close to her ear causing her to giggle. I rolled my eyes while I had the chance.

"Spence!" Jaime smiled widely as she turned and kissed his cheek.

"Hello gorgeous! What are yall up to?" He said, throwing his feet over to sit on Jaime's side of the booth.

"Obviously trying to eat dinner." I muttered under my breath slumping back in my chair.

Why was he here?

"We were just grabbing some food before I took Mac home for the night. What about you?" She seemed so awed by his presence. I never saw the appeal girls had for him. He was even that cute if you asked me.

The overly gelled mane he called hair looked stiffer than a rock. He always stinks of cheap cologne and from what I can see he doesn't wash clothes often. This was his fourth day wearing those jeans because I saw the same spaghetti stain from yesterday's lunch. But if this is who my Jaime wanted to be with, I'm here for it.

Here for the first kiss they share.

Here for all of their arguments.

Here every time, this dipwad makes her cry.

I'll be here Jaime. Always have been.

As they sat across the table in their yuck fest of flirting the waiter came around to take our order.

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