Chapter 3

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Everything is black again. She is all alone. Is this what death is like? Is it because she lied? Is this her punishment? Was she a bad girl? How long has she been here? She's such a dunderhead. She no longer knows anything.

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,

I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,

Time seemed endless in the void it felt like she's been here for an eternity and everything stayed that way for longer periods of time

"I love you"

The half-elf heard a voice, finally, something occurring but that voice... that can only be...

Looking around until she found the source, found her again, she met her again. How different would her life have been if it wasn't for her?

The witch of envy Satella

Staring from a distance our half-elf can do nothing else. Observing the witch as she notices she is holding someone. Who can it be? It's too hard to see from the distance and just as suddenly she's face to face with her.

It happened too fast for our half-elf's comfort. Her already confused mind can't process much more, her earlier curiosity had finally been answered, now able to identify the person the witch is holding.

It's Subaru

He seems to be asleep. What exactly is his relation to the witch? The half-elf didn't get to think much further, her attention snapping back to the witch waiting for anything to happen.

"I love you"

The witch spoke again, her voice echoing throughout the void

"I love you" "I love you""I love you""I love you" "I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you" "I love you""I love you""I love you" "I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you" "I love you""I love you" "I love you" "I love you""I love you" "I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you" "I love you""I love you""I love you" "I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you""I love you"

The witch continued to chant over and over, again and again, while she held on to her unconscious body of Subaru. The half-elf could only cover her pointy ears but even that is ineffective as if the witch is speaking directly to the soul.

Just as suddenly as she started the witch finally stops her chant now facing our half-elf. The two half-elves stared at each other.

The witch of envy looks at her beloved one more time before approaching her, touching her face, and checking her out.

"You will do.," the witch says.

The half-elf is confused, very confused but she can't seem to find her voice. She wants to ask questions though she fears something else is stopping her from doing anything, stopping her from talking.

"In our place, you will deliver our love."

"In our place, you will show our emotion."

"In our place, you will save him from danger."

"In our place, you will be me."

The half-elf wanted to refuse but she can't do anything, she couldn't control herself as if she was just a passenger of her own body. Everything the witch mentioned seemed alright until the fourth one. She hated it but she can't even refuse and it scares her.

The witch of envy then finally decided. Covering everything in her shadows she said one last thing to the half-elf.

"Only our beloved matters."

Shadows surround them until everything goes darker and darker until the half-elf finds a little spot of light in front of her before instant flashing and temporarily blinding her in the process forcing her to close her eyes.

Opening her eyes, her ears are ringing. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Voices everywhere from people everywhere.

She's in the middle of the street filled with civilians passing by.

She's back? How is she here? Did satella bring her back? Why is everything so confusing? Her time in the void felt like a never-ending nightmare. Everything is certainly strange but she's just glad to be able to come back.


"Satella!!!" A voice from the crowd shouted

The half-elf turns to look at the source right away.

"Satellaaa!!!" Repeated by the voice

The voice sounds familiar. could it be? The half-elf thought to herself.

The voice finally reveals itself showing a familiar face. Subaru gasping for air clearly tired from all the running and shouting.

A crowd of people starts to gather, the reason being the name Subaru has been carelessly shouted.

A blush suddenly forms on the half-elf's face out of nowhere upon seeing Subaru.

What is this? Why do I feel so worried so sudden? She didn't understand and then it hit her.

"In our place, you will show our love." The half-elf quietly repeated the witch's words realizing What it meant.

Oh no

Gathering herself she tried brushing the feelings off and quickly grabbed Subaru's hand to somewhere much less crowded, but before she got the chance to do that something rushed at her pocket.

She was too distracted from the feelings she was enduring and she couldn't react at all.

Her insignia? She still had it? She lost it twice!

Discombobulated, she didn't even see where the culprit had headed.

Subaru tried to shake her out of it, having no response he pulled her along as he thought about every possibility that could explain his return?

"I have another chance, I won't fail again."

Subaru thoughts while pulling the half-elf.

"I'm sure we can get your insignia back. Just try and believe, ''We got this right, Satella?"

"Satella?" Met with silence Subaru turns to look at her.

The half-elf is a blushing mess


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