Chapter 9

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The atmosphere at Roswaal's mansion was heavy with tension as Subaru and the half-elf, who now identified herself as Satella. The grandeur of the mansion that had initially left Subaru in awe was now overshadowed by the palpable air of hostility emanating from the three figures who earlier greeted them or maybe he was just imagining it.

Roswaal's usual jovial expression was replaced by a piercing calculating gaze that seemed to bore into Subaru's very soul. Rem stood like a vigilant sentinel, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

Satella maintained her composure, though she couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. This was supposed to be a moment of introduction, a safe return home after the recent events, but instead, it felt like walking into a den of predators. Not that they can harm her anyway. She'll make sure to protect her beloved.

"Lord Roswaal, they bear the witch's miasma," Rem repeated her voice cut through the heavy silence, her tone cold and accusing.

Roswaal's lips curled into a thin smile, his eyes fixed on Subaru. "Ah, the witch's miasma," he echoed, his voice dripping with a mixture of intrigue and suspicion. "How curious it is to have it wafting through my mansion."

Subaru shifted uncomfortably under Roswaal's scrutiny, feeling as if every thought in his mind was being dissected and examined. He exchanged a quick glance at the half-elf, her expression revealing nothing but a steely determination to protect him. He should be the one protecting. Subaru could only clinch his fist in frustration at the thought.

"Indeed," Roswaal continued, his smile widening. "We rarely encounter individuals touched by the Witch of Envy's presence. And now, she graces my doorstep along with her companion."

Satella's eyes flashed with a mixture of irritation and defiance. She understood that her association with the witch's miasma was a cause for suspicion, but the weight of that suspicion was suffocating.

"Although aren't you being rude to our dear guest, Rem? That isn't the way to show our hospitality, isn't that right, Lady Satella ?"

Could they not see the danger that is in front of them!? Rem gripped her weapon.

Roswaal's words were laced with a saccharine sweetness that did little to ease the tension.

The half-elf could practically feel Rem's gaze boring into her, a potent mix of accusation and anger.

With a strained smile, Satella nodded. "Yes, you're right. Please forgive my abruptness."

The group entered the mansion, the atmosphere no less strained indoors. Rem's eyes followed their every move, her body tense and ready to react at a moment's notice. Ram, on the other hand, remained silent, her arms crossed and her lips pressed into a thin line.

As they walked through the corridors, Roswaal continued to observe them, his every step deliberate and calculated. "Laady Satella, I must admit, your sudden appearance with our guest has raised questions which I hope answers you possess."

Satella met Roswaal's gaze head-on. "I understand the concerns, but I assure you, there's more to this situation than meets the eye."

"Is that so?" Roswaal's smile remained, but it was as if he was challenging her to prove her words.

Rem's eyes flashed with skepticism, her voice dripping with disdain. "And you expect us to believe that? That name is enough proof let alone complete stranger with ties to the witch's miasma suddenly appears, and you think we'll just accept your words WITCH OF ENVY !?"

Satella placed a hand on Subaru's arm, her gaze never leaving Rem's. "I understand your suspicion, Rem. But I vouch for Subaru. He's not what you think."

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