Chapter 5

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How could people not like your name if you're actually that beautiful?"

"Wwell, I think we sshould try to ffocus on how we're gonna get my insignia back." The half-elf managed to say as her face continued to blush.

"Oh yeah.. Almost completely forgot about that. How exactly did we get back anyways?Just a question, did you use one of your powers?

The half-elf certainly didn't have the answer but while Subaru continues the dark shadows feels like it's creeping behind her. She should do something, does Satella don't want it to be mentioned?

The half-elf immediately tried covering Subaru's mouth which seems to have done the trick, feeling much easier to breathe.

There are definitely restrictions she needs to worry about…

"We can't talk about it." The half-elf says. This feels the worst, she hates having to lie like this this isn’t her. How much had messed with her? How much left of her is even her? Who even is her? She have no answers to any of her question.

“So… what are we going to do to get your insignia?” Subaru asked totally unaware in what’s going on inside the half-elf’s head.

“Right, my insignia.” She should focus on it first, it’s the very reason they’re back here again after all.

She has a plan… well not really but she can't just give up.

They were on their way back to the loot house before the half-elf remembered something.

"Subaru, we forgot about the little girl, she must still be in the streets, all alone." The half-elf recalls.

"Oh yeah… almost slipped my mind but you're too nice you know?" Subaru replies.

"We should hurry then, I don't like to think she's been crying all alone looking for her mom when we should have been there to help her find her." The half-elf added.

The two have quickly gone their way to the lost little girl's location and helped her find her mom again. Everything had gone pretty much the same way with Subaru cheering the girl up to guiding the girl back to her parents. The little girl was very grateful and gifted the half-elf.

The half-elf happily accepted the gift feeling much better than she had been recently. The gift is a simple item but it felt like she hasn't lost herself yet that she's still her.

Subaru and the half-elf arrived at the slums nearing their destination.

"We got here much earlier today, wanna share your plan Sa–  um… Tella-tan?Subar

"Wwell um.. I don't really have a plan also Tella-tan?" The half-elf asked.

"Well.. I just wanted to give you a nickname." Subaru replied.

The witch seems happy, the half-elf could feel her.

"I guess it will do but if you mind me asking what is -tan?" The half-elf asked.

"Well it's one of the honorifics back in my homeland."

"If you don't really have a plan why don't we try calling for some gua-

"No." The half-elf cuts him off.

None of the guards should find out because if they do it could ruin my chance to the throne. The half-elf thoughts to herself.

"I don't think it's required, we can handle this. Just leave it to me." She insisted.

"If you say so… but if you feel that way I just can't help but believe."

"By the way… I haven't seen puck for a while now." Subaru mentioned.

The half-elf is a bit uncertain, she could only hope her spirit isn't affected by all this phenomenon happening to her. She wouldn't know what to do if she loses another family.

The half-elf closes her eyes as her hand reaches for her pendant summoning her spirit/father-figure Puck.

"Yawii, that was a long cat-nap good morning everyone!" Puck greets then sets his eyes on Subaru.

"I don't really know why I was gone longer than usual but now that I'm here, wanna introduce the guy?" Puck seemingly curious about subaru.

He doesn't seem to remember anything that occurred but the half-elf is just glad she hasn't lost her spirit. Though she may have a lot of things she has to deal with later, it doesn't matter right now.

"Um… Well… Puck this is Subaru he's trying to help me get my insignia." The half-elf introduced Subaru.

"Wait, he doesn't remember me!?" Subaru said, shocked.

"We can explain later, okay!? Right now what's important is that we get what is mine so let's go in that loot house." The half-elf shouted.

"Okay, okay, no need to be mad." Subaru says.

"Has this human been bothering you? I could deal with him if you want." Puck asked teasingly.

"Hey!" Subaru denied.

"I'm not mad, okay? I'm just… I don't know…  I'm sorry for shouting.

"It's okay, maybe you're just a bit stressed with the situation. Now let's get that insignia of yours." Subaru said encouragingly.

The half-elf mentally prepares herself as she knocks to the door of what had recently been her place of death.

Knock knock

Knocking in the door Subaru and her felt unease, suddenly a voice is heard from the inside.

"Password." The voice said.

This was different from before, the two thought.

"I am looking for someone named Felt, she took something very important so please open the door."

"Um.. We're willing to negotiate it back." Subaru Added.

Another voice was heard from inside then there was silence.

The half-elf was preparing to smash the door open with her magic luckily the door opened up before she decided otherwise.

"I was sure I lost her almost immediately! How did she even find this place so soon?" A girl's voice said which revealed to be Felt.

"They did say they are willing to negotiate it." The old man said, which seems to be the owner of the place.

"Fine! You guys better offer something" Felt said, a bit annoyed.

The half-elf doesn't like the idea of negotiation, she doesn't have to give anything to get what is hers to begin with.

"We should probably wait till my client comes though, she'll be here soon." Felt suggested.

Whoever that client is, she's dangerous,  she needs to be prepared.

I will protect Subaru.


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