relationships(horikita Suzune )

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B: so let's see ayanokouji's relationships with you guys

According to Kiyotaka, he usually has trouble making friends, but he has managed to gain some close associations and connections with some of his classmates which also extend to those of other classes and even the Student Council.

Most of the students : Even the student council?


Kiyotaka tried to 'befriend' her but quickly failed due to her cold personality, though he is still the only person she ever interacts with within their class. Kiyotaka doesn’t treat her with as much trust as others and rarely if ever reveals his plans to her beforehand. There have been numerous times where she fell short, only to be surprised that he already factored in her failure.

Suzune looked down in shame

Class d: Don't worry about horikita San

Shinohara: Yeah you're a great leader

Sudo: Yes you helped us too

Suzune then looked at kiyo

Suzune: From now on I will make sure to not depend on him often  But as I am right  now  I can't  do it .So will you guys lend me a hand ?

Kiyo and manabu were surprised by the the current development

Class D: Yeah Of course we will

Manabu smiled : ( Now that you realized your shortcomings I'm sure you will grow up)

After the events of the island exam, Suzune often asks for advice or his opinion of the current special exam, but Kiyotaka often feigns ignorance unless that knowledge leads to Suzune's growth as seen with his advice regarding Sudō during the sports festival

Manabu : thanks for taking care of suzune

Kiyo just nodded

Arisu: fufufu It seems like he is always babysitting his class

Ryueen: I agree with you Loli

When Kiyotaka loses his reason to aim for class A, he naturally drifts further away from Suzune. in spite of this, he sees her as someone their class needs and is a priority for him to protect. Due to the fact, Suzune and Kiyotaka are often seen talking and Suzune rarely speaking to other students. The majority of the school continues to mistake them as lovers and having romantic feelings for one another.

Sudo and Sakura were about to die/faint

Class D : Are you guys sure are not Dati-

Kiyo /suzune: No we're not

Sudo and Sakura sighted in relieve

Manabu : (what shame ...)

Kiyotaka often inadvertently gets involved in her personal life, often trying to encourage her to talk to her brother Manabu and even questioned Manabu on his ill-treatment of her. He even planned to comfort her after she broke down after seeing her brother off but before being able to do so, she quickly recovers which causes them to return to their usual banter.

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