relationships ( kei Karuizawa)

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B: ok let's continue

Afterward, he seemed to form a very close trusting bond with her, where Kiyotaka is shown to trust her more so than others, even more than Suzune

Ryueen: Kuku hear that suzune

Arisu: Fufufu

Suzune: hmph ...

Kiyo: ( I wonder ....)

Kei is one of the few people who refer to Kiyotaka by his first name. She was also the first person to celebrate his birthday, causing him to hesitate in deleting her text messages, which he usually does. He also learned of her birthday and decided to do the same for her.

Kiyo : ( she did ?)

Sato : looks like Karuizawa San in in love with him in the future

Kei blushed a little: Hey ! It's not like that !

Jealous bois: tch lucky bastard

Arisu: ( I wonder if she can help him )

Ike : btw why did he delete her text

B: well because their relationship was a secret and they were operating behind the scenes

Class D: thank you for helping the class in the future

Kiyo kei nodded

After the rooftop incident kei realized that she had fallen in love with kiyotaka.

Kei  while blushing : ehhhhhhhhh?

Sato : see I told you Karuizawa San hehe

Matsushita : good for you Karuizawa San

Jealous boi : Oh come on first ichinose San and now Karuizawa

Another jealous boi : yeah you should just die

Suzune: ( she loves him ? not that I care )

Hirata just smiled

Sudo was happy for some reason

Airi  ... Well let's not talk about her

B: let's watch something

Time :winter after the rooftop incident

KARUIZAWA AND I made our way back to the dorms. Walking a bit
behind me, she spoke up. “It kinda seems like things are getting out of
“What do you think of what Vice President Kiriyama said?” I asked.
“Uh, I don’t know. I mean, I still don’t really get why he hates
President Nagumo that much.”

Everyone was confused for a second

Some students: who the hell is kiriyama

Manabu: well he i-

B: Wait I'm gonna explain . Horikita manabu arranged a meeting with kiyotaka and him in order to talk about taking down nagumo

Manabu: I see so I left the matter with nagumo to him

Ichinose: but would he want to take him down

B: well he want to change the entire school into pure meritocracy .

Ichinose: Oh I see

Karuizawa and I were on the same page. A wise man didn’t court
danger. I’d been temporarily ready to make an enemy of Nagumo if it meant
making Horikita’s brother my ally, but I was starting to think that wasn’t the
right choice. If I could make Nagumo think my performance in the relay had
been a fluke, he’d promptly forget all about me. If things went in the wrong
direction, though, he’d try to eliminate me.
“By the way, what was that about earlier?” asked Karuizawa. “The
‘partner’ thing.”
“What, you didn’t like it?”
“If you just arbitrarily make me your partner, it’s not like I can do
anything about it, right?”
“Should I take it back?” I asked.

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