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I take air in my lungs and observe my figure in the mirror. My reddish hair is gathered in a very not aesthetically valid ponytail, but which at least allows me not to find tufts of hair in front of my eyes. I must say that having poisonous eyes and red hair is one of the few qualities I can boast about.

My white blouse looks perfectly neat, and my black jeans also make a dirty figure. I checked every millimeter or marks of any kind. Today is an important day, and I can't do damage as usual.

The Angel's Brooklyn office has been waiting for months for a visit from the highest authority, the chief boss, and I have to work hard not to ruin everything.

Exactly, you got it right: today, March 21, 2018, the one and only David Frost, owner of Angel, a lost-time billionaire and a screaming bachelor, will arrive in our branch. All my colleagues, as soon as they found out, went into raptures for the occasion: I'm practically sure that today I will see a slew of stiletto heels and skirts with an improbable slit at the meeting called for the arrival of the great boss. I, on the other hand, have other priorities: don't make a fool of myself.

My life has always been studded with the most gigantic and embarrassing figures of shit, and for this very reason, on this special day I decided to take precautions: I would be sitting, silent and still, so as not to say anything stupid, not to break and overturn anything.

"Wow ... what a hottie!" she exclaims my roommate smiling as she walks into my room. Jasmine, tanned skin, green eyes and very long brown hair, with a flowering modeling career, has always been my roommate since my first year of college. She is my total opposite: she always knows what to say or how to behave, she never gets the situation wrong, she has an uncommon grace and, most importantly, infinite patience with me and my disasters.

"Being hot is the last thing I care about Jas," I say, continuing to fix my hair.

I see her advance towards me and put her hands on her shoulders. I snort loudly. I seriously hope everything is fine today.

"Hey, you're one of the best employees in there, don't panic" she reassures me, smiling at me.

I breathe a sigh to calm down.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I squeak.

Before going out, I pause carefully on the contents of my bag, to be sure I have everything. If I didn't have my head attached to my torso I think I could easily lose that too.

"Carter, I swear that if you're not out the door in two seconds I'll drag you on foot to Mr. Handsome and Muscular" I hear her scolding me, using the nickname we had decided to give to the unreachable David Frost. For the past few weeks I had done nothing but talk to her about this meeting, so we had to find a suitable code name, and looking at the photos of the boss on the internet, Jasmine had come to that conclusion.

I had only seen it in passing since my concentration was all on myself rather than on any other person, so as not to mess up. I knew his name and his reputation, but if I had met him on the street I probably wouldn't have recognized him.

I grab my bag after checking everything again, and head for the apartment exit.

"I'm going, bye Jas"

"Good luck, go and eat them tiger" she tells me. 

Luck ... I'll need a lot of it.

First translation. 

That asshole of my bossWhere stories live. Discover now