Spirit vs Colonel + The escape

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The next morning, you got ready for the day and walk out of the cabin just in time for the sound of a trumpet playing as a gathering call.

All of the soldiers including you line up at the wide area. The sergeant gave the colonel some reports (don't know what he said) as he paces side to side staring at Spirit. That made you a little worried.

"How long has it been, sergeant?"
the colonel suddenly asked making the sergeant confused at first.


"The Mustang. how has it been tied there?"

"Three days, sir."

"Good. Fetch my crop and spurs."

The colonel blew off some smoke from his cigarette glancing at your reaction.

You were shocked and scared at what would happen next to the stallion. You quickly hide the reaction when the colonel glanced at you before he could notice.

As Spirit was brought to the corral once more but this time the colonel was riding him.

Spirit struggles to get the colonel off his back but he stayed on piercing the stallion's body with his spurs in the process.

Spirit tried every trick up his sleeve but the colonel still got his grip on him. You watched in concern for the stallion's well-being.

After a long battle, Spirit has gotten too exhausted and finally stops with the colonel still on his back. The stallion's hooves (or legs, not sure sorry) were shaking as he breathed heavily.

You cover your mouth in sadness at the horse's broken soul.

The colonel catches his breath and fixes his hair and gave his speech. (A boring speech that is)

"You see gentlemen, any horse can be broken."

As he patted the broken horse's neck before using his spurs to make Spirit move around the corral obediently in defeat.

"Move along, mustang."

"There are those in Washington who believe the West will never be settled. The Nothern Pacific Railroad will never breach Nebraska. A hostile Lakota will never submit to Providence, and it is that manner of small thinking that would say this horse will never be broken."

As Spirit walked and was stopped for a while near the tied Lakota man before continuing. Then he saw the sadness in your eyes and the horses near you.

"discipline, time, and patience are the great levelers"

The horses look away as well as you with a tear gliding down your face making you quickly wipe it away and walk away before the colonel could notice but Spirit did making him stop.

'Sometimes a horse has gotta do what a horse has gotta do, and this is one of those times. '

Spirit thought in his head as the colonel warningly called it out.

Suddenly, the stallion grabs the reins with his snout and pulls them out of the colonel's hands then runs to the fences leaving the said man unbalanced as he rams onto his side to break off the belt of the saddle.

After it broke, the stallion moves around as the colonel holds onto his mane until he was off its back and had his face near its own. There was a pause before Spirit smirked and flung the man out of the corral and falls on his side breaking the fences in his fall.

You and the other soldiers were shocked as well as the other horses. As some of the soldiers help the colonel up, Spirit got up on his own glaring at the said man as he was too towards the stallion.

The horses behind you then started neighing/cheering as everyone look around when the other horses cheered along in confusion except you, who smile at the stallion's victory. It then fell at the words that the colonel shouted next in anger.

"Soldier! Secure that horse!"

He took the sergeant's gun aiming towards the Mustang approaching it as it made you quickly run in front of him defending the horse.

"Sir please it's just a wild animal. It-"

"Stay out of this, (Y/n)! or I'll shoot you too!"

You stood your ground even though you were scared on the inside as the gun was aimed at your head.

When he almost pulled the trigger, the Lakota man suddenly appear with a dagger in hand aiming away the gun as it shoot the ground making you gasp.

The man then holds onto Spirit's neck as he ran the other way around the corral as the soldiers ran out of the way releasing the horses nearby. You processed what just happened before you ran after them.

Spirit then ran inside the stables and reached the end of it. The Lakota shoot the lock of the stables with the gun he grabbed earlier as all the horses were free following after the stallion.

On the way to the camp entrance, the duo saw you in the way as one of the released horses neighed running faster to throw you onto its back.

"Whoa! Hey!-"

You hold onto the said horse as all of them along with the duo ran to the entrance only for Murphy to block it.

Spirit stopped having a stare down with the blacksmith before smiling smugly at him making him wide-eyed and gasp. He was then knocked out in the outside world releasing all the horses to their freedom.

The horses parted ways as you slow down the one you were on to get off of it. You pat it with a sad smile.

"Thank you, I should go back. You can go home now."

You tried to walk back to the camp but the horse runs in front of you blocking your way with a look like an 'I don't think that's a good idea.'.

This made you smile and shake your head, sighing before hearing a group of galloping hooves running towards you directly behind you.

As you turn to see the Lakota who saved you on a beautiful horse, a mare to be exact. You were awed by her before noticing Spirit behind them, held by two other Lakota men on horses as he stare at you in defeat.

You raise your eyebrow at the horse for an explanation as the stallion snort in frustration back in response.

"Come with us. Your kindness  is not fit to be in there if you go back."

Your saviour said to you as you turn in the direction of the camp. He had a point, the colonel will not be happy about what just happened and you don't feel like wanting to face his wrath.

But, looking back at the man with narrow eyes of suspicion.

"How do I know that you aren't going to tie me up making me hostile to my people?"

you asked crossing your arms as the man chuckled.

"No, we aren't like those people."

You chuckled a little before being press-snout (or snout-rubbing, idk) by the mare making you smile patting her head and turning to the man.



And..... That is the end of chapter 3!!

I was so scared when I wrote the gun aiming part, lol.

And again sorry for the misspelling, wrong use of grammar and all.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Leave a comment if you like it (or not, it's fine), I would appreciate it

The next chapter will be updated late because my exam is around the corner. So sorry everyone, but stay tuned!


The stallion and the girl (spirit the stallion of the cinnamon X reader)Where stories live. Discover now