The Reunion | Freedom

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'bold' Spirit's thoughts

As you three travel back to the camp, you see the people were alright and were setting up a new one made you relief but notice Spirit watch in sadness. Creek told you what happen to Rain during the ride which made you sad for Spirit as you pat his neck in comfort for the stallion as well as Creek.

He then whistle to call someone before grinning as Spirit and you look at his actions in confusion as to who he is calling before turning back to the camp to see who it was.

As you three watch as a silhouette approach near the smoke of the small fire before it came out to be Rain! As Spirit in surprise and happiness neighed and ran down the hill to reunite with the mare as she too ran towards the stallion. You and Creek watch in the distance at the reunion in happiness as he nodded to the stallion in a way to say 'you're welcome' when the stallion look back at him and you approach near his side holding his hand in happiness not taking your eyes off of the horses.

The horses then approach you both as this is their time to be free and you knew. Rain and Creek hug each other to say goodbye as you turn to Spirit and rub his snout almost in tears as you smile at him.

"I'm gonna miss you bud."

He snort in sadness to say goodbye to his first human friend as you hug his neck with him returning the hug with his head on your back.

"We'll see each other again soon. Don't lose that fighting soul...Spirit."

He snort with his head up, proud of the name you gave him back when you met which made you chuckle before you both turn to the other two as Creek took off the feather on Rain as a symbol of her freedom.

Creek then step back to then turn to Spirit as he rub his snout making the stallion lean in to the touch.

"Take care of her... Spirit. You cannot be broken."

As Creek pull his arm down and look at the ground in sadness of the horse leaving. Spirit then came up to him and hug him as they both hug each other tightly.

"I'll miss you my friend."

As you stood near Creek watching the two horses run up the hill to go home.

I've been waiting so long to run free...

But that goodbye was harder than i could've imagine...

As Spirit turn his head to see Creek turn away in sadness as you watch the man with a small frown.

I will never forget those two...

Spirit then stops to call out both of the humans as it caught their attention.

How we won back our freedom together.

He then stood up to his hind legs to neigh in victory of their freedom as they both grin and cheer back jumping in joy. With that both the horses and the humans were departed for their journey  and for their furture. Creek and you hold hands as you both watch the two horse ran in the distance before turning to each other.

You smile at him caressing the man's cheek as he lean onto it before you both lean in sealing your first ever kiss. You were then the first to pull away from the kiss before pulling the man to race back to the camp laughing along the way.

Meanwhile for Spirit and Rain, they ran in a long journey and finally came to the stallion's homeland in one peace as his friend eagle greet them for his return. He then came up the hill to see below was his herd along with his mother as he neighed stating them for his return as they turn to the sound and see the stallion.

Both the horses ran down the hill as the herd ran to around them both to greet their leader's return. Then his mother approach the two, and greet them happy to see her son has finally return. Spirit neighed cheering along with the herd as they all ran together through the field enjoying their freedom.

Some years later...

You and Creek were riding on a native horse as you ride towards the Greenland where you knew that was Spirit's homeland before stopping in an open field. Creek got off and whistle out to call for Rain as in the distance the mare heard the noise and ran towards the sound with Spirit who heard the sound ran with her.

They both came to see you both as they neighed in joy of seeing the humans again as they ran down the hill to greet them. When they slow down Spirit saw you who was still sitting on the horse cradling something in your arms that was block by the cloth on it.

Spirit came near it to sniff it out what it was before leaning back in shock as he saw it move. You giggle at this and decided to show the stallion as he was surprise to see a baby boy who look similar to you reaching out to the stallion in joy.

Creek then approach you both caressing the boy's head making him giggle in delight at the touch. Spirit still in shock looking back and fort to the baby and you both as Rain snort in delight seeing the boy.

"He he, yes Spirit he's ours."

The stallion look back down at the baby before he grin and neighed celebrating the new member of the gang as his herd came running down the hill to see the humans and the baby.

Reve, the name of the little boy laugh and squeal in joy of seeing so many horses around him as you hold him riding Spirit through the fields with the other horse (including the native horse) as Creek rode Rain enjoying the freedom of your lives.




That is the end of my first ever story!

Thank you so much for reading this far and appreciate all of you!

Thank you for the votes! My followers! Readers as well!

And we finally reach to 3k reads! Thank you!

I've been saying thank you too much, sorry. I'm literally crying as I'm typing this.


The stallion and the girl (spirit the stallion of the cinnamon X reader)Where stories live. Discover now