Sound the Bugle|The train to the Greenlands

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*I don't know what name of the scene for the train I just write that, sorry if it's different. I'm too lazy to look it up.*

Both you and Spirit were taken to a train station Spirit tiredly look up at the noisy vehicle as the humans load it up.

His first thought was to break free but he didn't find it hopeless he was taken to the stolen horses cart as the man standing near it pushed him in gently.

Spirit glance back at the soldier holding you, he saw your fingers twitch as you were taken to another cart to rest. He was glad that his friend was still alive before stepping into his own.

He glance at the horses that were taken from the village as they saw him and greeted him, seemingly happy to see him but he ignore them and walk to the corner of the cart as the man close the rail door (or shutle? idk).

The train then began to move as Spirit glanced at the other horses again, they neighed at him to assure him to come over trying to cheer him up but he sadly look away because of his heartbroken and defeated soul.

The group seem a bit hurt and worried for their companion's state as one of them picks up a little stack of hay with their snout and approaches the stallion. The little stack was dropped on the stallion's stack gaining his attention a little as the horse assures him to eat. Unfortunately, once again he turned away in sadness as the horse beside him gave up as it look at the other shaking its head knowing there was nothing to comfort the stallion.

Spirit then peers outside wishing to be free as the train continues to move through the snowstorm. Meanwhile, you awoke the moment the soldier lay you down in a room on the train to rest as you were hugging your legs sitting near the window and watch as the view of the outside world.

You didn't know where the train was headed but you knew eventually that you will be with your father again soon. You miss being with spirit, the tribe and Creek as you sigh in sadness slowly falling asleep.

As for Spirit, he was struggling to stay awake as he stares out of the view outside. Then he saw a glimpse of a horse by the snowflakes running through the storm with a herd of horses following behind.

This made the stallion jolt awake to see it clearly as his mind creates a vision of his mother leading the herd through the fields as she called out to him making him call out them happy to see them but the vision disappear replaced by the storm's wind blowing the hair of his mane.

He felt sad for a moment before realizing the reminder of the vision was for. For him to never give up hope and stay strong as he looks up in determination. He will escape from this cage and find his way back home.

He look back at his companions they looked glad to see their friend's spirit was back again as he approach them.

Morning came as you were getting ready to drop off wearing the attire that the train's service provide for you. Nothing more than a shirt and pants.

As the train stops, you hesitate for a moment but eventually got off the train with the help of a kind man. You thanked him before looking around the place. A campsite of builders was near what seemed to be building a new railway for another train up to a hill.

Spirit was taken out of the cart with the other horses by the cowboys as he saw you and immediately neighed to get your attention happy that you were alright.

You heard the call and turn to see the stallion alive and well as you sighed and smile in relief.

I didn't know why we were brought here, but I do know that we had to find a way to escape and get back home.

The stallion and the girl (spirit the stallion of the cinnamon X reader)Where stories live. Discover now