°•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 27•°

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Hey guys! I apologize for not updating in awhile. School's been a pain in my ass lately.♤


I woken up to the sound of the door crying as it was opened. The sound of raindrops tapping the window was heard throughout the room. The room was dim due to the lack of lighting. Henry stood in the middle of the room with a suitcase in his right hand. The suitcase was made of brown leather, the Handel of it was a dark silver. Henry had a pained look on his face, something wasn't right. An unsettling feeling began to slowly form in the bottom of my stomach.

"Let's go." Henry spoke blankly. His face was emotionless. But his eyes were what gave it away. They eyes open gates to see the soul.

"Wha-" I was cut off by Henry.

"Please Y/n Let's just go." Henry spoke quickly.

I nodded hesitantly and immediately got up.

"Get ready and be in the living room in 5 minutes." Henry spoke as he left the room. He seemed to be in a hurry.

My stomach knotted and my head felt fuzzy. I had a bad feeling of what was to unfold. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth. I changed into a black hoodie and jeans. I left the room and entered the living room. The tension in the room was dreadful, as soon as I walked in all eyes were on me. But they weren't the eyes I were used to seeing. They were eyes that held loss, the guys were quiet. Something I wasn't accustomed to.

"Whats happening?" I asked quietly.

"Just get in the car." Belch spoke calmy.

All the guys went towards the door, I followed after them. The sound of the leaves brushing together roughly and the sound of the rain hitting the grass was playing in my ears. Belch and Henry sat in the front. But before Henry got inside the car he placed the suitcase he was holding into the trunk. I looked at him confused.

Victor and Patrick sat in the back, but I was placed in Patrick's lap. I didn't mind it, I knew Patrick wouldn't do anything too perverted. But I was take off guard by the fact that no one has spoken a word. Patrick hasn't said a snarky remark yet and Belch didn't put the radio on. He normally plays Metallica and sings along with the lyrics carelessly. But now he was tense, he was gripping onto the steering wheel tightly. To the point to wear his knuckles looked white.

Henry wasn't smoking his cancer stick, instead he was bitting his nails often looming at the rear view mirror to steal a couple glances at me. Patrick was bouncing his knee up and down, something he never dies. And Victor was looking at the window with worry on his face.

What was happening?

As we drove through the ever lasting Forrest, it came to an end. We were now in civilization. We drove through a town with people, something I hadn't seen in awhile. But after some time I noticed the roads we were taking, the turns the car took. It wad all familiar to me. It then clicked in my brain...are they taking me home?

My accusation was correct because we drove into my neighborhood. We the stopped infront of my house. Everything was the same, it was still fucked up and run down. But instead of feeling happy that I was "home", I felt uncomfortable. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be at home with the guys. Henry got out of the car and opened the trunk. He got the suitcase and walked to the side of the door where I was out.

"Get out." He spoke sternly.

My eyes widened, was He being serious? I shook my head and looked at him. I could see that his eyes were becoming glossy, the rain pouring on him caused his hair to darken.

"Y/n..just get out." Henry's voice broke at the end of his sentence.

"No." I spoke softly.

Henry's eyes hardened.

"Y/n, go be free. Be happy, forget this!" Henry slightly yelled.

I shook my head once head and crossed my arms. Henry grabbed onto my arm and pulled me out of the car. He pushed the suitcase in my chest softly. The rain falling on us caused both my hair and clothes to be dumpy. The cold water hit my warm skin causing me to shiver.

"Go be happy." Henry spoke with teary eyes.

I looked beside me to see the guys looking at me with teary eyes too.

"But im happy here." I said softly. But my voice was wobbly due to me trying my best to contain my tears.

"No you aren't, we killed your father, kidnapped you, AND FUCKING HURT YOU Y/N!!" Henry yelled at the end of his sentence.

"I LOVE YOU GOD DAMNIT!!" I screamed and let out a sob.

Henry's eyes widened. My breath got stuck on my throat. Henry's pupils were dilated.

"You...love us?" Henry asked blankly.

"Yes, I love you." I let out a sob.

I walked up to Henry and wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed up due to my touch. But immediately wrapped his arms around me tightly. His arms wrapped securely around my waist. His head was in the crook of my neck, I felt hot tear drops hit my neck.

A few seconds later pairs of arms wrapped around me. I glanced to see all the guys hugging me. I felt safe in they're arms. I felt...loved.


As Y/n hugged them she felt complete, safe, warm, and most importantly loved. She wasn't familiar to all those emotions, she was never really shown love nor affection. The guys have hurt Y/n by doing unspeakable acts. But they all did it out of love, but they aren't familiar with loving someone. So the ways of showing it are...questionable. Of course it doesn't excuse them of what they've done. But the roots of doing it were love. The boys loved Y/n with every fiber in they're body. They adored her, hell...they were obsessed.

Y/n had them wrapped around her finer tightly. So right, to the point to where it would loose circulation. Y/n felt it too, whenever she'd glance at the boys her heart bumped faster, her mind went foggy as she admired them. The took note of all the things they did, what they'd eat in the morning, what they're day to day activities were. Her herself was a tad bit obsessed.

As the guys hugged Y/n they themselves also felt complete...whole. They would never do anything to Y/n that would hurt her. She was they're angel, the warm blanket you'd wear when your cold. They loved Y/n, and she looked them too.
This isnt the end! I am planning on making a sequel. But please, do give me some time. Thank you so much for all of those who have took time to read my book. I appreciate you all, I hope you have an amazing day. And remember that you are beautiful!♡

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲  (𝙱𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now