Chapter 57: Ghost School (11)

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Not long ago, Ou Yang had at one point discussed privately with the other three about Bai Yi’s endeavor to pursue Cheng Zhi Chu.

They had unanimously believed that Bai Yi was doing this because he wanted to destroy Su Ling. Despite clearly having a dark and indifferent personality, he never once revealed it in front of Cheng Zhi Chu. Instead, he portrayed himself as a perfect, gentle and considerate Senior.

If Cheng Zhi Chu wasn’t around, Bai Yi would immediately revert back to his original demeanor and switch back to his usual cold expression. If it wasn’t for this, Ou Yang and the others would have almost forgotten about his true nature and would have thought that he was influenced by the Junior and had suddenly changed into a good person.

However, after a while Ou Yang and the others truly started to take a liking to Cheng Zhi Chu. After all, this junior brother’s character is very good. He’s pure and frank and is also very understanding. He also had nothing to do with their hatred towards Su Ling. Seeing him being deceived by Bai Yi, they couldn’t help but feel a little bad.

But they were just Bai Yi’s followers and they weren’t in the position to stop him. Because of this, they at most could only feel a little guilty before continuing to help Bai Yi with his pursuit.

“But don’t you think that Brother Bai seems to be a little strange recently?”

Because of his confusion, Zhao Xiao Pang’s face was all bunched together. He sighed: “I guess it can’t really be called strange. Anyway, it just gives me a strange feeling.”

“You also feel that way? I think so too.”

Liang Wen Bin frowned and said: “I’ve noticed that he seems to be in daze more often recently and I have no idea what he is thinking about. When I tried to ask him about it, he would ignore me. It doesn’t look like he encountered any trouble, but I really can’t read his mind.”

“Now that you mention it, he has been constantly looking at his phone. When he looks at it, he would sometimes smile. That smile made me feel a little……..”

Zhao Xiao Pang’s made a strange expression: “You guys also know that Brother Bai almost never smiles. When I saw him smiling, it was like suddenly seeing a sculpture smiling. Of course, with Brother Bai being so handsome, he looks very pleasing to the eye when he smiles but I couldn’t help but feel a chill run through me………”

“I also noticed that.” Ou Yang interjected. “I even asked him what he was smiling at but he said that he wasn’t smiling. Fuck. Turned out, he didn’t even realize that he was smiling himself.”

Lu Jie who had not spoken up the whole time and was just brushing her hair while listening to the boys suddenly spoke up: “That’s probably when Brother Bai is chatting with Junior Cheng.”

“I didn’t really pay attention to that…….. But I think it really was a chat interface.”

Zhao Xiao Pang scratched his head: “Was it because he was thinking that victory was almost at hand and he was soon going to catch Junior Cheng that he’s smiling?”


Lu Jie slowly placed down the comb and squinted at him: “Do you think that the Junior Cheng right now looks like he is in love with Brother Bai?”

“How can I tell? I haven’t dated before……..” Zhao Xiao Pang muttered.

“He only has good feelings towards him. It’s still far from liking him.”

The girl thought about it and said: “I think Brother Bai seemed to have fallen for Junior Cheng. He had fallen for him without even noticing it himself.”

I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games by 啾咪啾咪兔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن