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"Do you know how much stress you caused?" Asked Steve as we walked into the house.

"Where's my board?" I asked as we stepped inside.

"Your board? That crappy thing? It's in the bin. We told you that we don't like you skating."

"That's not fair. James is allowed to play American football and he's ten. He broke his arm two months ago and I can't skate."

"No. You can't."

"Just admit it for once! You never wanted me!"

"We wanted a well behaved child. Not a spoilt brat!"

"Spoilt brat? I have never asked for anything. Harriet asked for a horse and you bought her one straight away. She doesn't even ride it. James has gone through five different sports in one month and you bought him a full set of gear for each."

"Don't be like that. We buy you things too."


"You know, that book for English."

"That's to help me in my studies and I didn't ask for it."

"We buy you things and you don't even accept it."

"I accept it. I have never asked for a single thing because I know your response."

"You asked for a IPhone for Christmas. It's a bit expensive."

"You asked me to go to the post offices and collect some parcels for you while you sat in the car. Do you remember what they were?"

"No. Sorry." Said Wendy.

"Two Ipads. Two iPhone 12s for the twins. Two bikes. Two electric scooters. Do I need to keep going?"

"We can't say no to our kids."

"I'm your kid! You said that you wanted me!"

"We felt sorry for you."

"What happened to my parents!?"

"You're too young."

"Too young my ass! I am 15. Tell me what the hell happened to them!"

"They didn't want you. No one does. Your a massive screw up. A mistake. We didn't want you but when they told us your story, we couldn't turn a blind eye." Said Wendy.

"Admit that a part of you wanted me."

"You were a cute kid with puppy eyes. All you are now is a manipulative bitch."

"How? I don't ask for anything. I listen to what I'm told and do anything that you ask of me! Even if it makes me late!"

"You were late because you can't manage time!" Shouted Steve.

"Please stop shouting!" Cried Harriet.

I hung my head low and fought with myself to stop any tears from flowing. I walked up to her and crouched down but Wendy grabbed my arm and pushed me away. I fell onto my backside and hit my head on the wall.

"Look what you've done!" Shouted Steve as he roughly pulled me away from the wall and inspected the hole.

"I didn't mean to. I lost my footing and your wife shoved me."

"Don't ever say that again. She would never do that and you know that. You tripped."

"Yes. I'm sorry, I tripped."

"Your Christmas present will go towards fixing that wall."

"What? That's not fair. Wendy, you pu-." I started to say but stopped myself when Steve raised his eyebrows at me.

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