✨Life Goes On✨

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Ship:- Binchan (Changbin x Bangchan)

Warnings:- angst, omegaverse, miscarriage.


The essence of home is all around Changbin...a cozy fire burning warmly in the fireplace, his three months old twins asleep in his arms and his beloved mate by his side. He looks up from gazing lovingly at his pups and smiles at Chan, and his grin makes the little butterflies of love flutter in Chan’s belly.

Chan wraps his arms tighter around Changbin and dearly kisses him, pouring all his love into one soft, sweet kiss. Changbin closes his eyes, the kiss is so tender and loving it makes Changbin's heart skip a beat. He snuggles close to Chan and lay his head on his shoulder. Their son and daughter sleeps peacefully wrapped in his arms, the soft, cozy blankets wrapped around their tiny bodies.

Changbin kisses each of their cheeks, and as Chan fondly watches his children sleep safe and sound in his mate's arms, a feeling of warmth spreads through him… It starts in his soul, makes him crinkle his nose while his heart is aglow. Changbin makes him smile, feeling bubbly with pure joy and happiness. Changbin, couldn’t be happier. Seeing his mate smiling delightfully, and knowing their children are safe in every way is the best gift he could ask for.

Changbin carries his pups to bed, gently laying them in their crib. They sleep undisturbed as Chan stands beside Changbin and wraps an arm around his waist, both wolves smiling in pure devotion at the two little souls sleeping peacefully.

As Changbin and Chan move to leave the room, something stops Changbin. Dark red blood slowly begins to seep from their child’s chest; their breathing grows ragged, little souls fighting to breathe. Horrified, Changbin reaches for his children, only he touches nothing but air. Their bodies fade away and all that remains is a haunting sight of an empty crib soaked with blood.

The nightmares suddenly end and Changbin jolts up in bed, crying out into the night. He shakes with his sobs, wailing for the loss of his pups. He had suffered a miscarriage and ever since his babies were taken from him the horrific dreams have haunted him. Chan is woken by his mate’s cries, and he reaches out to touch Changbin, but his mate pushes him away.

They need to talk; however, Changbin cannot bring himself to speak of the heartache that torments him. There is an enormous amount of tension and pain and hurt between them since they lost their pups; Chan wants to help soothe his distraught mate, but Changbin keeps pushing him away.

The omega cries and wails at night, and Chan feels helpless. Neither of them is whole after the loss of their child, but Chan tries to be the strong one so Changbin doesn’t have to shoulder the sorrow alone. When their children left them behind Changbin shattered inside; he stopped eating and sleeping. He begs for god to end his life so that he may see his pups again one day.

Chan desperately tries to get him to open up, to let him in, so they can heal together, however, it only makes things worse and Changbin closes his heart even tighter. Chan wants to take all his mate's terrible pain away and give him comfort and safety.

Changbin is curled up tightly in a ball, sobbing quietly into the sheets. The babies blankets rests in his hands, a last reminder of their souls. Changbin is trying to hold onto some small part of them that’s left.

The moonlight streaming in through the curtains cast light on Changbin’s face and Chan can see the tears in his eyes. He gently pulls his mate closer, sliding his arms around his brother. Changbin shatters. He wails with heartache and falls apart, and he sobs into Chan’s chest, crying, “I want my babies back, Chan. I want them back, please bring them back to me!”

Chan cries with his mate because he misses his children with all his heart, he feels the same pain and hurt that claw at his mate’s heart. If he could, he would walk right into Heaven and cuddle his pups and bring them back to their home sweet home, just to hear them giggle one more time.

“Chan, please. Bring our pups home.” Changbin pleads, the tears burning his eyes as he sobs into his mate’s chest. What do you say in a moment like this? What could he promise Changbin that would take away the pain? Nothing, no words could give comfort.

Therefore, Chan holds Changbin and kisses him, “Just sleep, binnie. I’m here. Everything will be alright in the morning,” Chan knows his words are a lie. No parent ever just ‘gets over’ the loss of their child. They will heal, yes, but a jagged, painful scar will always remain over their heart.

Changbin doesn’t sleep that night, nor does Chan. However, as they hold tight to each other, desperately needing comfort in each other, that scar in their hearts heal ever so lightly.



Before  I carried the pain, I carried you.
And in my heart, I carry you still.


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