A Change in Perspective

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She just looked at me, with a confused face. I asked "Whats wrong mom?" forgetting i had a binky in my mouth. She said "You accidentally wet your diaper. Go change into this diaper because you have shown me you cant handle potty training yet." I looked down in a happy emotion. I walked to my room, and got changed. I tried to pull my binky out, but there was a force telling me not to. Like, when you wake up to pee, but you don't want to get up, so you just sleep anyways. I just left it in, and went downstairs. Not that i know that this thing can be tricky, while also having an effect on other people, I decided I was gonna live out some fantasies. Luckily, since the weekend just started, there was plenty of time to have fun with my "buds". I knew what i wanted to do both for them, and me. First, I needed to arrange a sleepover with my buds. No problem! My device has got that covered. I put "Let Axel have a sleepover.", and pasted it into my mother when she wasn't looking. Then i asked her "Hey, can i have a sleepover with my friends?" and she said "Yes, but are you sure you wont go potty at night?" I said "Dont worry mom, I have a diaper in case that happens." and she sent me my way.

As i walked, i noticed some things were different. I noticed a lot of pull-up boxes. I don't think it was just me that was not potty trained fully. I looked it up, and apparently 35% of the population seemed to never have been able to get potty trained. There are separate diaper bins in the bathroom, and baby wiped disguised as normal wipes installed in the bathroom similar to how towels are installed. And, Diapers and pull-ups are integrated in the underwear isle. I Did even more digging, and turns out that the people that aren't potty trained always go to the most childish girl pull-ups. Their reason? Those type have the biggest wet indicators, letting them know when they need to change. "Wow I changed the world a lot" I said out-loud as i accidentally bumped into the back of someone. The thing was, they were not only wearing a diaper similar to mine, but i felt a lump in their diaper as i bumped into them. They didn't even blink an eye as they knew I was wearing a messy diaper. Even more searching tells me that this is socially acceptable, and there are even giveaways for the un-potty trained to win free diapers. Eventually, I found my friends house. I knocked on the door, and they came out. Apparently, in this universe, I'm the only person in my friend group that is potty trained. I immediately run to the bathroom, and find a piece of paper. I make the world to where I'm the only incontinent one, and they don't know i am. This is one of my fantasies, to be caught wearing diapers at a sleepover.

I come out, and everything seems to be back to normal, but i still have my pacifier in my mouth. I just decide its not too big of a deal and go out with it anyways. They see me with a pacifier, and they don't mind. But, I knew that later, they would eventually find out i have a diaper. I need to live out my fantasies, so i need to try to avoid being seen with a diaper on. They greet me and we hang out for a bit. While we are hanging out, i move my legs, and realize that I'm wet. I ask my friends to go to the bathroom, but they say that I can wait. A few more minutes go by, and I'm finally let out. I run to the restroom, and normally paste another box of girl's pull-ups. but, when I do, I pee again, and the diaper leaks. I now not only have to change my diaper, but get new pants aswell. I change into a different pull-up, hide the box, throw away my diaper, and walk into the room with my wet pants. 

I enter, and ask for a new pair. They look at me smugly and say "Oh, we can do that for you." I try to cover myself, as they lift down my pants, exposing my pull-up. They look at me shocked, then say "Well well well, looks like we have a little girl on our hands. We need to get you properly diapered." one goes off to somewhere else, while the other two guys get some baby powder. They powder me up, but then the third guy came back with a childish dress and panties. They say "We trust you not to make pee-pee in your panties. So you have the option to instead wear panties with your little dress." Obviously, I chose panties. I always try to go the least embarrassing route in mt fantasies, but always end up being embarrassed even more. So, they give me the panties, and i surprisingly fit. They were from the 3rd guys sisters room, and they were asleep, so he snuck in there without her knowing, and grabbed this stuff. The dress was a yellow dress, with a short skirt, so almost all of my panty area was exposed. I basically didn't care that they were putting me in girls clothes. Even though it wasn't apart of my fantasy, I still didn't care.

They dressed me in all you can think, a hair clip, high heels, you name it!  Only a few minutes later, I unsurprisingly had an accident. It happened when i was standing up, which was super embarrassing because as soon as it started, it went right down my legs and onto the floor, completely bypassing the thin fabric of my panties, and making a puddle on the floor. Of course, when they see this, they bust out in laughter.

"Oh my little girl had an accident! Lets change her." I quickly ran to the restroom, and locked it. I don't know why, but i wanted this fantasy to also include my breasts swelling. So, I wrote on a piece of paper "My breasts swell, and my feet are used to high heels. My body also has the strength of a 5 year old.". Then, I pasted it into myself. The high heels before felt like they were constantly stretching my feet, and now they felt like comfy sneakers. My body felt the same, but I knew that when i started walking, my strength would probably go down real fast.

Almost as if i knew it, when i started walking, I felt my body get weak, to where I felt like it was gonna be really hard to lift more than 3 pounds. I come out, and of course, they pick me up. I don't know how they did, but they made me put on a pull-up. We proceed to watch the movie frozen, and after, they check my pull-up. I didnt have the strength to fight back, so I just let them. "Hey! You need a change. If you mess this next one too, your clearly not ready for potty training yet." I look in shock to see that i also pooped myself in my pull-up.

Hey guys, I NEED to know if I'm taking the wrong direction with feminization. It just doesnt seem quite fit for this story, but maybe some of you like it. Who knows, I certainly don't know if you guys like it. This was gonna be a little bigger, but I need a chapter transition to do that. Also 10K views! Jesus Christ this story is popular. Just know, I wont abandon this story without a proper leaving note, like some other stories I liked. Anyways, cya later guys.

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