Chapter 2: Missing The Mark

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Ring! Ring! The alarm went off. Robert and Livy half asleep both yelled, "SHUT UP!"

Robert stumbled out of bed and put on his cadet uniform. Livy, shortly after, did the same. They both looked at each other with anticipation of what they would learn in the day's training.

"Robert, do you think it's gonna be laser guns, jet packs or speeders today?" Livy asks in a excited mood.

"I don't know, but I hope it's jet packs or laser guns."

They are then interrupted by the ship's intercom. "Today for breakfast in the cafeteria, there will be eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes, and waffles. And for all of our new cadets, you get free access to the chocolate solar fountain." The intercom cut off with another big screech.

"ROBERT! We have to go now before all the chocolate fountain is gone! Come on, let's go!" she replied, excited to the core.

Robert then replied with "Okay, let's go! Bet I can get there first!"

At this comment, they both sprinted down the LED lit hallway. They took a right into Sector F, which stood for 'food'. It's basically just a huge cafeteria. "Livy! Look at the size of that fountain! It has to be at least 8 feet tall!" exclaimed Robert as they entered the huge cafeteria.

"Oh my gosh! They even have MARSHMALLOWS ON STICKS TO DIP!" Livy sprinted over to the fountain, jumping and squealing with joy and excitement. Robert slowly followed her over, a little embarrassed from her performance. He smirked a little while looking at the ground. He took a bite of a strawberry he put in the fountain. "This is some good chocolate." He said.

"Honestly the best I've ever had." Livy replied, through a chocolatey mouthful.

In that moment, Mike the Trainer walked in. "ALL CADETS REPORT TO SECTOR T ASAP!"

Robert and Livy followed instructions and scurried to Sector T. When they arrived, The Room was different. The ceiling was lower than the day before and the walls were closer.

"What do you think it's gonna be?" Livy asked.

Robert then replied, "I don't know, but it probably won't be speeders or jet packs."

"Yeah, you're probably right, Robert." Livy replied.

Mike walked in. "Today, we will be learning how to shoot our blasters correctly." Robert and Livy looked at each other with excitement. "How about we have these two start?" He pointed to Livy and another cadet next to her.

"Me?" Livy replied, pointing to herself. Mike nodded and she walked up to a table with a gun on it. She picked up the blaster, aimed at the target... and ZAP! She hit the target dead center. "Oh my gosh! I did it! I did it!!" She yelled with excitement. She ran back to Robert and hugged him. "Did you see that? I did that! Can you believe it? First try ever!"

Mike then blared out, "Robert! I've heard you are excited for jet packs. Let's see if you can even pass day one of training."

Robert looked at Mike with a determined look. He turned to the target, aimed the gun, and ZAP! He missed the target completely. The class booed.

"Boooo! Robert, you can do better than that!" The other cadets yell.

Robert looked back at the target. He closed one eye to get a better aim and tried to replicate Livy's form as much as possible. ZAP! He hit the target dead center! He placed the blaster down and walked back to Livy, passing the other cadets, whose jaws had fallen to their ankles.

Mike nodded in approval. "Good job Robert! I can see you making a good member of one of our departments."

"Thank you, sir. That means a lot to me." He replied.

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