Chapter 3: The Impact

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Robert woke up before his and Livy's alarm. He looked over to Livy's bed and smiled. He walked over, grabbed her shoulder and shook her lightly. "Livy, wake up. It's training day!" He explained.

She woke up. "Good morning, Robert. How'd you sleep?" She asked, stretching.

"I slept okay. I'm super excited for today so get up! Get up! Let's go! Let's go!" He replied, pushing her to get up and ready. A few moments later, they had their cadet gear on and started walking to Sector T .

"What do you think we'll be learning to repair, Robert?" Livy asked in a curious tone.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that our silly air conditioning needs to be repaired. It's like the sun in there." Robert replied. Livy laughed at his subtle joke.

They walked into sector T and were greeted by rows of space suits for the cadets. They were grayish and personalized with everyone's names and a Cadet patch. Livy and Robert sprinted to the suit that had their names on it. They both almost jumped up and down with excitement as they attempted to put on their suits like the rest of the cadets.

Then Mike entered the room. "Welcome space cadets! I see you've found your suits. Get them on! We are going out to the outside at 13:00 AKA 15 minutes from now! So GET TO IT! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" He commanded. The cadets all rushed to get their suits on. Some got stuck and some fell over but about 5 minutes later, they all got their suits on and were ready to load up and head out. "Now cadets, there's white button on the packs. Click it." They all clicked the button and a line of blue in the middle of their packs lit up kind of like a laser of energy. "Now that your air is flowing, let's head to the airlock." Everyone stepped in the airlock and strapped themselves in.

Robert and Livy look at each other with a concerned but brave look all at the same time. "THREE! TWO! ONE!" They count. And with a fast and strong whoosh of the air leaving the ship, they all begin to float.

"WOW! This is amazing!" Livy said.

"I know! This is awesome!" Robert replied.

After everyone got used to the floating, Mike continued his instruction. "Everyone follow me! You all will be sanctioned into teams of 2 so pick a partner."

Livy and Robert looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright. Now, every team hang onto the ship and spread out. I'll come to each of your teams individually and tell you what you must repair." Mike explained.

He floated over to Robert and Livy, who were near the top airlock of the ship. "You two will be repairing the airlock door by simply cutting the blue wire." Mike floated away holding onto the ship as he went.

"This is awesome, Livy! We are real space cadets!" Robert exclaimed.

"I know right! This is crazy! Okay, now you should probably cut that blue wire." Robert cut the blue wire. Suddenly, with a jerk of extreme force from the back of the ship, it began to spin increasingly fast.

"WHATS GOING ON?!" Robert yelled.

Mike over the radio built into the suit commanded, "EVERYONE! Stay calm and find a way into the ship IMMEDIATELY!"

Robert and Livy held onto the ship as fire spewed from it. It spun, gradually floating closer to the planet.

"Hurry, Livy! Get in the airlock!" Livy climbed into the airlock and with a fast whoosh of air, they could walk again.

"HURRY! The escape units are just down this hallway!" Livy yelled in fear. Robert ran after her as the ship shook uncontrollably.

They ran down what seemed to be 50 hallways when they finally found Sector E. They climbed into an escape pod right as the ship shook more than it ever had and as the opposite side of the glass turned red with fire. Livy clicked the button to release the pod into space.

"Robert... aren't we supposed to move when I hit that button?" She asked in an extremely worried tone.

"Yeah, we are! HOLY SHIPTAR! We're gonna die in here!" he screamed, riddled with panic.

Livy took a deep breath to compose herself as Robert continued to freak out. "Get ahold of your self man!!! We're gonna be fine... maybe." She yelled, realizing that there might not be any hope for survival. They both screamed and fastened their seat belts as they felt the ship enter the planet's atmosphere. The pod shook violently and you could see the flames coming from the ship out the window. They could feel the velocity as they hurtled toward the planet, screaming. They both closed their eyes, hoping for the best. Robert grabbed Livy's hand and they prepared for impact. And suddenly... BOOM! They hit the planet. Everything was dark as if the world was still and calm.

Livy woke up and saw Robert next to her, still holding her hand. He had blood running down the side of his face from the crash. She gave him a shake and wiped the blood away with the sleeve of her suit. He slowly, groggily woke up. "Ugh, my head." He groaned. "Are we even alive? What happened?"

"We crashed, Robert. And I think we're on the very planet you dreamed of exploring this whole time." Livy explained, in awe of their situation and not knowing what to do. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." He winced at he got up. "Wait, we what? No, we can't be... there's no way."

They both tried their hardest to pry the door open, but only got it a crack until suddenly it swooped open. They both fell onto the floor and looked up at the hallway they had walked through to get to the escape pods.

"Do you think anyone survived?"

"I don't know." Robert replied as they walked down the hallway. They looked at the small fires left over and after turning a corner, they saw it. The first sign of life on the ship. It's Cadet D'Qwell, leaned up against the wall of the hallway, his hands covering his abdomen.

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY?" Robert asked.

D'Qwell looked at them both with a tear in his eye and moves his hands from his side to reveal his wound. Livy gagged, the wound was so severe. Half his lower intestine was hanging out on the floor and you could see his bone where he was blasted to the wall from the impact. As D'Qwell's tear hit the ground as if it was slow motion, he took his last breath.

"Livy, we need to get out of this ship immediately." Robert gulped, not knowing what else to say.

"Agreed." She replied, slightly crying from the loss of their fellow cadet. They both ran down the hallways, looking for a way out and possibly more survivors, but there was no one else in sight.

"Look! Over there! I see a light!"

A small hole in the wall of Sector A showed a long beam of sunlight shining through. It was big enough that they could both crawl through the crack. They began to crawl through the hole and Robert breaths a sigh of relief. "Phew we made-" But before he could finish his sentence, a huge explosion blew them both more than 50 feet away from the ship. They both screamed as they looked up and saw the huge cloud of smoke and fire coming from the ship.

"Oh my gosh, Robert! What do we do? What do we do?" She started to cry, losing her composure. Livy ran over to Robert and hugged him.

"I don't know, Livy. I don't know." He replied, knowing that he should comfort her but not really knowing what to say. They both turned around to look at the surroundings. It happens that they had crashed on a mountain on the planet. As they look over the scenery, they see a forest, some sort of flying creatures, and smoke way down in the valley, in the middle of a circle of trees at the bottom of the mountain.

"We need to get to that smoke, Livy. Maybe whoever lit it can help us, if there's survivors." Robert said.

Livy nodded.

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