Chapter 6: The Lab

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With a loud crash, Robert, Livy, and Jake stumbled and fell down the cliff edge, gaining speed with every turn and roll. They screamed as they tumbled down the cliff and suddenly they stop.

"Is everyone okay?" Jake asked kindly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Livy responded. "Wait. Where's Robert?!"

"Guys! Come take a look at this!" Robert called, as he looked at the big door in front of them labeled 'Sector C Research'. Livy and Jake both walked up to the door in amazement as they thought to themselves, how does it open?

Jake then said, "Usually, these doors have a type of scanning mechanism that scans your hand or something to open the door." The three of them then looked around for anything that could help them open the door.

Livy turned the corner around the door. She gasped as she spotted a person dressed in a white coat with blood stains. She tried to ignore the fact that his head was no longer attached to his body by only taking time to notice that his hands were still intact. "GUYS! I think I found a way to get in!"

Jake and Robert ran over and saw the corpse. They all walked over to it and picked it up. They dragged the body over and tried to get the hand to scan in the green pad that had an outline of a hand.

"Why it so... heavy?" Livy sighed with exhaustion. They lifted the corpse's hand up to the scanner when a loud buzzing sound played from the console. With a loud swish of air coming out of the lab and the creaking of the doors opening, the lab was now open.

"Why is it so dark in there?" Robert asked.

"I don't know, maybe because the power is out, Robert." Livy replied sarcastically.

"Well no way! I never would've guessed!" Robert responded with a mocking tone.

"Enough guys. Take these flashlights." Jake said, handing them each a flashlight from his bag.

"Thanks." replied Robert. The three walked in, all with their own ideas on what this new lab could be.

"What do you guys think this place is?" asked Livy.

Robert and Jake looked at each other and said in unison, "A science lab."

"I guess you're right." Livy responded but then, in that moment, they heard a loud CLANK! in the distance.

"What was that?" Jake asked with a shiver of fear running down his back.


"Something's coming!" Yelled Robert. The three of them hid behind an old receptionist's desk that was covered in vines and some sort of planetary grass. They sat there in fear as they heard the steps get louder and louder as it got closer and closer. The three cadets got more scared with shivers running down their spines. They waited as one of them looked through a hole in the desk to see what it is. All they could see is a giant black foot. The three of them then heard sniffing as the creature smelled their scent. They started to shake in fear and then, CLANK!

Robert threw a rock outside. The beast lunged out the door. "RUN! RUN! JUST RUN!!!" He yelled. The three of them ran through the dark halls of the lab and came across a room. They ran in and slammed the door shut. Within half a second, the giant beast was banging on the door. The beast broke down the door and reached its huge black clawed arm in the door.


"Hurry! Hit it with something!" Robert screamed. Livy grabbed a pole on the ground that used to be connected to the pipes and smacked the hand of the beast. It screeched in pain, pulled its hand away, and ran off.

"Phew! That was close." said Livy

"Close? You call that close?! It almost took my leg off!" replied Robert while holding his bloody scratched leg.

"What was that thing Jake?" asked Livy.

"Honestly, I have no clue, but it was terrifying what ever it may be."

Livy and Jake walked over to Robert and picked him up, putting his arms around their shoulders.

"Let's find you something to bandage that leg up." suggested Livy. They all wandered through the halls and in the dark abyss. They were all wondering if they'd ever find anything to help Robert's leg when all of a sudden, the lights flickered and they saw a sign that said 'Medical Ward'.

"Yes! We made it! It's just around the corner and down the hall." said Jake. They moved faster and faster until finally they made it. They pushed the door open and looked at the first shelf, which was surprisingly still filled to the brim with bandages.

"Yes! My leg is gonna be okay!" Robert leaped with excitement and then lets out a streak as he lands on his leg. Livy and Jake set him down and started wrapping his leg in bandages.

"Let's rest here for the night." Jake suggested. They all agreed and nodded as Robert drifted off to sleep in the medical ward of the lab. Jake and Livy stayed up and wondered to themselves what that monster was and how to get out of the lab.

"Do you think we'll ever make it off this planet and be saved?" asked Livy.

"I don't know. There's a lot of things in our way. No ship, no radio communication, no other people in charge but us. It's just a whole list of problems. But I'd really really hope so." Jake replied in a loving tone.

"I hope so." Livy echoed as she yawned and fell asleep.

Later in the night, they started to hear banging coming from a closet. The three cadets woke up. "What was that?" They all looked at each other frightened and walked over to the closet. They opened the door and then...

"RAAAA! Stand back! STAND BACK!!" A stranger in a white ripped up lab coat with blood in the openings holding what looked to be a plasma knife jumped out of the closet.

"Woah, woah, woah!" said Livy.

"We don't mean any harm! We're just trying to get out of this lab and find our way back to the surface" Jake explained, calming the scientist down.

"why would you wanna go back to the surface?!" he asked with an odd crackly tone.

"Do you know the way out?" Robert asked limping over.

"Of course I know the way out of the lab! I used to work here before The Downfall. Follow me."

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