Chapter 43 - Rest Now My Child

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Break out the tissues. 

It would be all over soon, in this place where time and space seemed to no longer hold meaning I burned. Like so many before me my body would disintegrate before my soul became trapped inside that goddamn stone unable to crossover. My healing fought against it for every atom that burned another grew in its place.

Death is almost like going to sleep, passing over without pain but that's not what mine was like. Instead it was an overwhelming hurricane of golden lighting, all I felt was pain. I wanted to scream but no sound could be heard over the defining roar ringing in my ears. This was my eternal damnation after all the lives I had destroyed and all those people I had killed over the centuries.

Golden lighting struck my body, it incinerated my skin, lighting up my veins with golden energy. The bright golden veins fed into my eyes the brown and green pupils lost in blazing gold. The goddamn stone still clutched in my hand buzzed sucking the energy I had absorbed from it back into itself like a black hole.

The golden hurricane finally dispersed leaving me standing in the familiar orange water of the Soul Realm.

"When I told you I was ready to die I was completely full of shit." I slowly turned to see her standing there smiling sweetly. Claire Jones daughter of an immortal, the first of my children.

"You sacrificed yourself and erased your own existence." Claire gently scolded but I could see the small smile she was trying to fight.

I sighed slowly brushing the strands of hair from my face "Yes it was the only way I could ensure that they could live. They would have destroyed themselves in grief this way they will be able to live without regret."

"You survived mom, this will be a second chance for you to be able to start over. Your enemies have been destroyed, you no longer have to be afraid to show you care. You won't need to be alone anymore. " Her voice was quiet, she seemed sad.

"I'm not alone, I have you, that's all that matters right..." I trailed off a little when I saw the look she was giving me. It was a sad look, one that threatened tears to fall at any moment. I was afraid, so very very afraid I couldn't lose her again. "Please, I'm not ready."

Claire tenderly took my hand into her own giving it a small squeeze "Nobody ever is, death is what gives it meaning to know that life is short and your days are numbered. These last few decades looking over this world have been the greatest gift. But it is time mom Ethan has been waiting far too long."

My tears fell unchecked, mixing into the water of the realm. "The truth is I don't know how I am going to do this without you. When I met you in that backwater alley I became something more than a villain. It was the greatest of honors to be your mother Claire Jones."

"I love you mom always and forever." Claire smiled, pressing a kiss against my cheek as her body turned into golden light floating into the arch.

The sobs burst from me seemed to never end. At some point my knees gave out leaving me kneeling in the water. Rest now my sweet nightingale in that place without pain or suffering.

At some point the tears stopped and I pulled myself somewhat together, the stone now tucked safely into my pocket. Perfectly safe.

I may be forgotten but I need to get back to Earth back to my broken couch and my whiskey. If I leave the kids alone for too long they are definitely going to get into trouble and need bailing out. I will carry your memory with me for all eternity Claire Jones, my beautiful daughter. 

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