Star park (Crow)

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Name: Courtney

"Ah ah huh" I woke up in some sort of of hospital.

"Hey! where am I?! Answer me!" A doctor figure walked in .

"jeez your loud." He said

"Where am I? Who are you?" I try to grab him with my left arm but, it wouldn't move.

"We are Star industries and the one's that saved you life." 

'Saved my life? What is he talking about?'

Then I remembered

"I was making fun of Torisa and Colette got mad and we were about to fight and she stabbed me." I wasn't thinking straight surely that's not what happened. right?

The doctor looked unhappy.

"So you do remember." He sighed getting up to walk out of the room.

"Hey! Where are you going where am
I!?", he closed the door without another word. The room I was left in was fairly dark I could barely see anything if it wasn't right infront of my face.

It had to have been hours since someone had come to see me or was it? I couldn't remember.

"Here take this" he handed me a pill and a cup of water.

"What is this?"

"It's a pill it'll help you feel better" I took it and chugged the water.

"When can I leave?" I asked

"not for the next few months maybe even years." Once he finished saying that my body fell cold. 

"Wait why? How bad was I hurt?"

"You were critical." He said before gatting up and leaving.

"Of course." I start to feel sleepy and go lie down.

I woke up and I was in more pain than I went to sleep. The doctor once again walked in this time with pills and nettles.

"Alright, we are going to need you to take these pills. He handed them to me one by one thankfully I finally finished.

"So why was I given these pills sir?"

"well your audit has gotten better," He said.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," he said I started to feel sleepy and lay down again.

"Once we're done we'll wake you up"  I closed my eyes I was comfortable This doctor guy is nice.

"Hey kid get up we're all done." I Sat up and I felt great.

"Sir, what are these things?" I pull on something coming out of my skin.

"Those are feathers remember." The doctor said.

"oh yea," I Remember I was in the nest finally poking my head out of the egg.

"Come on take a walk with me." I get up walk with the doctor and enter the main room.

"Hey, what is all that." I point at all the red liquid everywhere.

"It's just red paint." We continued through the building until we approached a girl with white hair and she seemed to be crying.

"I she ok?" Once she heard me she stopped in her tracks.

"Courtney I thought you were dead." She whimpered. I was confused.

"Ms who are you?" She froze looking me dead in my eyes, the two women grabbed her and pulled her away as she screamed and squirmed yelling that I was alive and crying begging to be let go.

I turned to the doctor and he simply walked away.

"Who was that? why does she know me."
I asked.

"She is a mentally insane girl, this is a mental hospital." I mean that makes sense enough. We finally made it to the room that we were headed to.  The room had a window that showed the sunrise

"Are you ready to fly out to the world and make a name for yourself?" The doctor said.

"Ya let's do it."

Name: Crow

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