Star park (Tara)

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Welcome to the town of Uchawi, The magic capital of the world. Anything you believe could happen can happen This place is the most marvelous in the world or at least it was.

My alarm began going off. 8:00 am on the dot I got up went to brush my teeth and got ready. I put on my clothes and went down for breakfast.

"Morning mom morning dad."

"Morning sugar plum. Where's your headband?" My mother asked

"It's on the hat stand," I told her as I got the cereal.

"Alright, my lovely wife we're off to school." My dad pulled our spell books off the shelves.

"Ready Tara" I quickly finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink.

"Ready!" I ran over and grabbed my book out of his hand. We both walk into the portal into the school hallway.

"You hurry to class will you." I sneak out of his office. and ran down the hallway to my first class but, when I got there I sat down with some of my friends.

"Hey Tara check this out." He opened his spell book and showed me a frog summoning circle.

"Wow, that's awesome," I said

"What summons did you find." I was practicing my dog summons but..." I tried to summon one but, it just let out smoke. I wasn't an animal summons I was most used to cloning and energy summons.

"Hey, have you two heard?" A girl in another group said.

"Kofi recently had to fight off 10,000 soldiers from Nguvu Kamili and he won." She said.

"Ha please I've heard that he could take on 100,000 men without breaking a sweat." one of the boys said

"Tara, are you listening to me?" The boy sitting beside me said

"Sorry, Kuanguka I was..."

"Listening in on someone's conversation on the "Untouchable Man.". he said

"Yeah, I hear so much about him."

"He's a master of portal magic nothing can faze him he can negate any form of durability he is a walking army there is nothing that he can't do."

"Yeah, I guess I just."

"Want to see him in action."

"Yeah I do too," he said. We heard talking outside of the door then yelling then shooting. we all get under the tables.

"Quickly teleport home." Everyone creates their portals to home.


"Ta-" my house exploded sending me flying to the wall. In my dazed panic, I stood up and locked eyes with one of the men and froze but, he also seemed stunned.

"What on earth?!" He seemed mortified it took me longer than I wish to admit to realize what he was staring at.

"my third eye," I whispered to myself, another man ran in.

"What the hell shoot her."My heart stopped at that moment.

"WAIT PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING STOP PLEASE." my cries fell on deaf ears as the gunshots rang out. I guarded my face but, the bullets seemed to phase through me.

"KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER" My dad's body slammed the man into the floor.

"Get in the portal quickly," I asked no questions climbing as quickly as I could.

"Dad!" he closed the portal but, he had been shot in the stomach and bleeding incredibly badly.

"I-It's Fine." He said, that even if he wasn't acting tough for me we had no medical equipment.

"O-ok we need to get out of here" My dad grabbed his book open, but before he could even cast his portal the wall exploded. I cast a shield my dad caused a wave of weapons. I was frozen I put all of my energy into keeping the shied up, I was so focused on keeping the shield up I didn't notice the wall being blown up behind us.
I finally noticed the explosion after my dad's head flew past me. everything seemed to go quiet I blinked to try and regain my bearings. When I opened my eyes again I was tied to the statue in the middle of my town.

"Now! Burn this devil!"  I looked around a massive crowd of people all looked like greenfoot villagers. 

"Why don't we make this better" A cloaked man walked up to me and placed a seal on my stomach another man approached me with a touch. I started trying to scream but, my mouth was tapped they then threw a lit torch below me multiple others poured gasoline over the statue. Within minutes the flame blazed over my body my screams only faded into the background of the cheering and laughing. The flame felt as though my skin was melting and regenerating over and over, that freak put some sort of immortality spell on me and now I was just being tormented.

'Why? why is this happening to me?' The flaming hell I living through went on for only what I could assume was a few hours. The Immortality seal had failed hours ago and my skin was chard to a crisp and gasoline even got into one of my eyes and burned it out. I was still tied to the statue but, I was no longer burning I closed my eyes Just hoping to die soon.

"Hey, you ok?" I opened my eyes and saw a man with purple skin. I sat up but, I started coughing uncontrollably, the man pushed me back into the bed. While I was sitting up I noticed my body had been mostly repaired.

"H-how?" That is all I could say before being caught by a fury of coughs. The man looked confused by my words before looking at my skin.

"Oh this year I healed as much as I could but, many of your body parts mainly your eyes and liver were burned far beyond anything that I have experience for." He said I forced my coughs down.

"T-thank y-you," I said he had a warm gentle smile.

"You're welcome what is your name? actually don't push yourself."  Despite his advice, I continued to push my coughs down.

"T-tara," I said

"Nice name I'm Gene." We shook hands and that's how we met, became friends and even created our trio.

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