star park (Fang)

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"Good job everyone have a nice night." Buster wished to everyone in the room as me and he walked out to my car. We headed over to Stu's house as our pretty much tradition for us to go over play games cook and all sorts of other things. As we drove we noticed police and ambulances driving by, but we paid it no mind until they took some of the same turns as us to the stunt crew house. When we got to the house police and ambulances surrounded the house. We ran up to one police officer to try to figure out what happened.

"We're not fully sure what happened here but, we can't find out with civilians in the way" As he says that we see Bonnie being rolled out on a stretcher and being covered in blood. We were forced to stay out of the crime zone so we went to the hospital to check on Bonnie. When we walked into the room she was surprisingly awake but she looked angry or as angry as a child with her face wrapped in bandages could.

"You good kid?" Buster asked walking up to Bonnie's bed. She reached over and grabbed a clipboard.

'Ya I'm fine' She wrote

"Did your vocal cords get messed up?" Buster asked

'No, but, my jaw is broken and my face is wrapped in bandages.' After she wrote that she looked up as though she remembered something.

'Where's Janet?' She scribbled having just barely been legible.

"I don't know we didn't see her get pulled out of the house with you," I tell her her face became so much more distressed.

"Don't worry she's probably fine." Buster tries to comfort her but, this doesn't help in the slightest.

'Some guy that kind of looked like Fang broke into our house and said that he had business with Janet.' after she wrote I instantly knew who did it.

"Good grief." Buster and Bonnie looked over confused.

"Don't worry we'll get Janet back." Me and Buster returned to my car.

"He just had to pull some crap like this," I complain.

"Who are we talking about," Buster asked

"My brother."

"Wait you have a brother?"

"Yea," we road in silence. I guess my annoyance stopped any conversation that was likely to be had. The music we put on didn't help as it soon became nothing more than background noise that was turned off in the end.

"We're here." We step out of my car in front of my family's house.

"This your family house this looks more like a temple for giants!" I forgot I never showed Buster this before.

"Yeah my dad likes to show off." After scaling the flight of stairs we enter the main building and we see hundreds of people in 1v1 matches. They stopped to look over at us, and a cloud of whispers loomed over us as we continued to walk.

-Buster's POV-

"Hey! Fang! It's been forever." The man at the back of the room shouted he seemed ecstatic Fang however looked enraged. the boy started speed walking which burst into a full sprint before he kicked the man into the wall behind him.

"Fang?! what the heck?!" I turn to see every person in the building ready to beat us down.

"Stand down all of you." The man still lying in the wall.

"That was for you nearly killing Bonnie."
Fang glared at his bother.

"Where's Janet?" Fang demands to know.

"She's in the medical bay geez." Without another word, Fang rush toward the med bay. when we arrived Janet was just looking up at the ceiling with a broken left arm.

"Hey Janet you ok." She looked over at us before sitting up.

"Yea, I'm fine."

"What happened to your arm?" I ask not only was her whole arm broken but, her fingers were also all twisted up.

"Fangs brother happened." That makes sense.

"I'm just waiting on them to fix my arm and leg." She said slightly annoyed.

"That's good,"Fang said relieved.

"Please call your sister she was on the edge of killing someone if they didn't tell her if you were ok." Janet looked concerned and angered.

"Question what did he do to Bonnie and Stu?!" A slight bit of panic ran in her voice.

"Bonnie had a broken jaw and Stu had to be repaired by Pam," Fang said Janet looked even more angry than before.

"But, both will make a full recovery don't worry." I was trying to lower the stress of the room but, both were still pissed.

"Well glad you could make yourselves at home." We turn to see a taller much more muscular figure with a slightly smaller woman.

"Hey mom, Dad," Fang said.

"Hey, son good to see even with only half your implants you are still far more powerful than most others." He said

"Anyways how about we get your girl fixed up." Fang looked up about to say something only being stopped by Janet.

"Yeah fine." Fang turned around and Janet placed her broken arm onto her shoulder.

"Ready" Fang picked her up she twitched slightly.

"Follow us." We walked down a hall into a room with two different machines.

"I remember you telling me about this place." Fang moved the different parts into place alongside Janet's limbs.

"Yeah these two parts at the top force your arms and the lower part fixes your leg." Janet sighed.

"I am not ready for this." She said biting down on a rag. Fang placed an Anastasia pod on her neck.

"Ready?" Fang asked

"Yea," Janet said Fang turned on the machine. The parts clamped down, and Janet coughed blood into the rag. After ten or so minutes Janet was released from the chair when she tried to stand though her leg gave out beneath her. We ran over and helped her up.

"Good, she survived," Fang's father said. We got her to her feet but, she was on the edge of passing out so we started to move out to the car.

"Lay her down in the back seat." I did so and Fang got her a blanket out of the trunk.

"Now let's get out of here." We quickly drove away.

"Why are we speeding away so quickly," I asked.

"I have no interest in staying around for my dad changing his mind." He said

"What do you mean." His last answer scared me but, for some reason I let my curiosity take hold of me.

"Let's Just say there's a reason They didn't let all of those people training into the medical bay to an unconscious Janet." When he said that I had butterflies in my stomach.

'So that's why he tried to stay away from his family.'

'They all complete psychos'

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