Ch- 17 DIY trouble 🌊

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Cecile--the real shi TM
*Remi-- Equality
*Elaine-- Fukk equality
Blyke--Ass--> Isen translate
John-- illiteracg at its finest


Ass: so

Ass: i got an indoor fountain

Equality: What

Ass: Yea

Ass: I thrw a fire cracker into the toilet and now its kinda just..spewing

Ass: So..its pretty much a fountain right?

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: I expected this type of dumb shit from john not u

Fukk Equality: a fountain? Cool!!

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Thats public property

Illiteracgy at its finest: Where.

Ass: Where what

Illiteracgy at its finest: Where is it.


Ass:A dorm

Illiteracgy at its finest:  Whos fucking dorm

Ass: Why do you fucking care punk?

Illiteracgy at its finest: Hey.

Ass: U cant threaten me u fucking cripple

Illiteracgy at its finest:


Illiteracgy at its finest:

Ass: Mine

Illiteracgy at its finest: by mine, you mean OUR sharwd dorm?

Ass: So?

Illiteracgy at its finest: You exploded our fuvking toilet


Ass: Isen told me to

Equality: And u just obeyed him?

Sera: Of course he did, its isen

Equality: Oh right

Ass: WHAT?

Fukk equality: where is isen rn anyway..

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Probably licking ceciles boot in the newspaper club


Ass: ..Brb

Equality: LMAO

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: It was a joke you dumbass


Equality Fukk: Isen is about to meet god fr this time

Evie: Hes going to heaven?

Sera: no

Equality: LOL

Fukk Equality: LMAO

Fukk Equality: Yknow shes right, probably not

Isen: what ghe fuck :(

Isen: i wanst even here and im still geting bullid?

Sera: what fine grammar u have good sir

Isen: shsjm miving boxeds and texting

Ass: hes moving boxes and texting

Equality: what for?

Isen: fjr cecmme

Ass: ...for Cecile..

Sera renamed ass "isen translate"

Sera: Google translate < Isen translate

Equality: 👏👏👏

The real shi TM: 👏👏

Fukk Equality: 👏👏👏👏

Isen: i feel so unloved rn

Illiteracgyat its finest: Were gonna have to call a plumber

Isen translate: Hat fucking plumber its in pieces

Sera: Just get the schl to fix it

Isen translate: I dont exactly want them to know we blew up their property

Isen translate: Again

Illiteracgy at its finest: WE??

Evie: tape?

Equality: Good idea!

Evie: (*`u ´ )b

Sera: Ill go buy some




Sorry for the short chapter! Tests are coming up soon and im a bit saddled..

Ill try my best to make the next chapters longer!

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