Chapter One

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 "Oh come on y/n it's a whole new way of looking at physics it will literally change the way that we think about everything." Barry says, excitedly. "Wow you're really interested in this particle accelerator. I'm sorry Iris bailed on you last minute, but let's both be honest she'll never realize you like her. She was only going to get information for her dissertation." I say, continuing to eat Barry's fries. "Hey Bar, how's everything going in here?" Joe asks, coming into the lab. As if on cue the test Barry was running finishes. "I think the Mardon brothers are hiding on a farm. The fecal matter I found on the street, it was cow manure. Which contained traces of oxytetracycline. It's an antibiotic. There are only four farms in the area that still use it in their feed. Bet you find a really sweet Shelby parked at one of them. " Barry answers Joe. "Well considering Barry figured out your problem in the case, can we leave for S.T.A.R. Labs now Joe?" I ask, standing up. "Yes, go, enjoy." Joe says, and with that Barry and I leave. 

At S.T.A.R. Labs

"What you said earlier before Joe walked in about Iris. I really thought that tonight might've been my chance to finally tell her how I feel. I mean in Starling I had a chance to really think about it more and well I don't know it seems fairly stupid now." Barry says, as we walk closer to the stage. The one Harrison Wells is going to be on any second. I have to admit I'm a lot more intrigued than Iris ever would be over this considering I actually understand that science behind it like Barry. I'm just not as obsessed as Barry is, but Harrison Wells is very inspiring. "Y/n?" Barry says, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Sorry I was just thinking. About how if you had brought Iris here tonight you would not have had as much fun as you'd have to explain everything to her the whole time. I know you've loved her since you've known what love is, but I've always wondered what would actually happen if you guys ended up together." I say. "What do you mean?" he asks. "Well, could you constantly live your life having to explain every small interest you have that she doesn't understand all the time?" I ask. "I've never thought about it like that, but I guess if she ever finds out I like her I'd figure that out." he says. "My name is Harrison Wells." Harrison Wells says, starting off his speech. That quiets everyone as they turn their attention to him. "Tonight, the future begins. The work my team and I will do here will change our understanding of physics. We'll bring about advancements in power, advancements in medicine, and trust me that future will be here faster than you think." he continues. "Someone help that guy just took my purse." a girl says, pointing at a guy running out of the building. Barry being Barry starts running after the thief through the crowd. So much for watching the particle accelerator turn on, or anything else that was planned for tonight. I follow after Barry, the best I can anyway considering at one point I lost him, but eventually we were outside. "I'm sorry." Barry says, accidentally running into someone. He continues running after the mugger, so I run after him. "All right, kid, you don't have to do this, all right? Just give me back the bag, and we'll call it even. Okay?" I hear Barry say. The guy hits him in the stomach with the bag and jumps over the fence. "Barry, are you okay?" I ask, now at his side. "Yah." he says. "Freeze! Police! Or do you want to find out the hard way you're not faster than a bullet?" I hear a guy say to the mugger. 


"Who the hell is that guy, and why is he so happy that he caught a mugger?" I ask, sitting on the desk next to Barry. "He's a transfer from Keystone. Started a few weeks ago. Eddie Thawne. Joe says he actually keeps score when it comes to arrests." he says. "Well as entertaining as this evening has been I'd better get home for the night." I say, standing up. "I have a few things to finish up here, and then I'll be there. Don't wait up." he says. "Never do." I say, walking away. I hear him laugh as he heads upstairs to his lab. 

Time skip to the hospital 

"You can't be in here." someone says to me. "I'm family." I say, trying to go to Barry. Except someone stops me. "Charge to 200!" someone says. "Barry!" I yell, almost in tears. "Clear." the same person says. 

Nine months later at S.T.A.R. Labs:

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asks. "He likes this song." Cisco replies. *Poker Face by Lady Gaga playing in background* "How could you possibly know that?" she asks. "I checked his Facebook page. I mean  he can hear everything, right?" Cisco answers. "Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate." Caitlin says. "Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker-" Cisco says, singing along. Barry gasps, sitting up. "Oh my god!" Cisco says, turning at the sound. "Where am I?" Barry asks. "He's up. Dr. Wells, get down to the Cortex, like, right now." Caitlin says. "Should I call y/n?" Cisco asks. "Y/n, is she okay?" Barry asks. "Everything's okay man. You're at S.T.A.R. Labs." Cisco says. "S.T.A.R. Labs? Who are you?" Barry asks. "I'm Cisco Ramon. She's Caitlin- Dr. Snow." he says. "I need you to urinate in this." Caitlin says. "Not this second. Just relax man." Cisco says, trying to calm Barry as he gets up. "What is- what is happening? What is going on?" Barry asks, clearly confused and slightly disoriented. "You were struck by lightning, dude." Cisco says, excitedly. Barry looks in the monitor. "Lightning gave me abs?" he asks, confused. "Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration." Caitlin attempts to explain in awe at the science. "Come here. Have a seat. You were in a coma." Cisco says, sitting Barry down. "For how long?" Barry asks. "Nine months. Welcome back Mr.Allen. We have a lot to discuss." Harrison Wells says, everyone staring at him as he wheels into the room.  

Small time skip brought to you by Barry's mommy issues

 "It's hard to believe I'm here. I have always wanted to meet you face to face." Barry says. "Yeah? Well, you certainly went to great lengths to do it. S.T.A.R. Labs has not been operational since fema categorized us as a class four hazardous location. 17 people died that night. Many more were injured. Myself amongst them." Dr.Wells says. "Jeez. What happened?" Barry asks.  "Nine months ago, the particle accelerator went online exactly as planned. For 45 minutes, I had achieved my life's dream. And then--then there was an anomaly. The electron volts became unmeasurable, the ring under us popped, energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky, and that, in turn, seeded a storm cloud--" Dr.Wells says, but Barry cuts him off. "That created a lightning bolt that struck me." Barry says. "That's right. I was recovering myself when I heard about you. The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages every time you were going into cardiac arrest. Which was actually a misdiagnosis because you see, you weren't flat lining, Barry. Your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register it. Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West, your sister, and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here. Where we were able to stabilize you." Dr. Wells says. "Iris?" Barry asks. "Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often." Dr. Wells says. "She talks a lot." Caitlin says.  "Also, she's hot." Cisco adds. "I need to go." Barry says.  "No, you can't." Caitlin says. "No, no. No, Caitlin's right. No, now that you're awake, we need to do more tests. You're still going through changes. There's so much that we don't know." Dr. Wells says. "I'm fine. Really, I feel normal. Thank you for saving my life." Barry says, leaving. "Really?" Caitlin asks, shocked. "Can I keep the sweatshirt?" Barry asks, coming back into the doorway. "Yeah, keep the sweatshirt." Dr. Wells says. "Okay." Barry says, actually leaving this time. 

Ten minutes later

"I'm here, where's Barry?" I ask, walking into the Cortex. Everyone looks at me clearly not knowing how to answer. "He's clearly not here, so where did he go?" I ask, setting my stuff down. "We actually don't know. He just kind of left saying he felt fine." Cisco says. "Which he shouldn't have since we need to run more tests on him." Caitlin says. "What was the last thing he talked about?" I ask. "Iris. We brought up how she was here all the time. Maybe that wasn't a good idea thinking back." Cisco admits. "Of course that's where he went. Leave it to my brother to go after her even when she's now dating Eddie." I say. Yes I know. They may be able to keep it from Joe, but I'm not as oblivious to the way the two of them interact. Although Barry wouldn't know this he's been a coma for 9 months. "Are you going to go find him, so we can run more tests?" Caitlin asks. "No." I say, sitting down. "Why not?" Cisco asks. "I believe it's because y/n knows that Barry will eventually find his way back here anyway." Dr. Wells says. "Exactly no reason to go after him when the first time he asks where I am he'll be told I'm here." I say. God I love my brother, but I'm not going to run after him when he chose to leave.

A/n: 1697 words. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If you've seen the show most of this you've heard before. If not this should give you a fairly good idea of everything you need to know moving forward in this story. Either way I promise the next chapters will be more entertaining with more deviation to get to the eventual relationship with Eobard Thawne. 

Original publication: November 28, 2022

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