Chapter Three

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"This isn't even remotely anatomically correct!" Cait says. "That's not the point Dr. Snow." Barry says. "Then what is?" she asks, as Barry runs over to Cisco. "To have fun." Cisco says. "And to continue your ongoing training. We're testing the speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask." Dr. Wells says. Barry runs over and moves his piece in their chess game. "I'm waiting on you Dr. Wells." Barry says, speeding over to Cait. "Not sure what I walked in on, but this is certainly interesting." I say, going over to my work area and setting all my stuff down. "Welcome Ms. Allen." Dr. Wells greets. Yes this really is my life now that Barry's awake. Honestly I love it and wouldn't want anything else. Although there definitely hasn't been  much down time between actual work and all the crime Barry has been stopping lately. Mardon, Multiplex, The Mist, and a bunch of others that weren't metas. Yah it's been very busy, so ping-pong, Operation, and chess seems kind of normal at least for us at S.T.A.R. Labs. "Checkmate." Dr. Wells says. "Wait, checkmate?" Barry asks, confused. "Checkmate. I guess we still have a few things left to learn, don't we Mr. Allen?" Dr. Wells says. I can't help, but smile at how oblivious Barry is to Dr. Wells intelligence considering he used to be obsessed with everything he did. "Armed robbery at Fourth and Kolins." Cisco says. "For the record I crushed it in Operation and Ping-Pong." Barry says, and with that he's gone. Cait fails at taking out a piece for Operation again making both Cisco and I laugh. "It's not as easy as it looks." she tries defending herself. I walk over and take the rest out first try. "Showoff." she says. "Always." I say, smiling. "Nicely done Ms. Allen." Dr. Wells says. God I love his approval. "Where's the nearest hospital?" Barry asks over comms. "St. Andrews. Seven blocks north, two east." I answer. "Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW." Barry says. Welcome to my life it's certainly never dull. 

A few hours later

 "This is where my team monitors the police bands for activity. We can track anything that's happening. Check this out. We've got our own satellite." Barry says, walking into the Cortex. "I know. I've hacked into it from time to time." Felicity says. "Rude." Cisco says, walking over to them. "It is of course so wonderful to see you again Felicity. I'm just wondering how much of our operation she needs to know about." Caitlin says, slightly disapproving Barry telling Felicity all this. "I'm really good at keeping secrets." Felicity says. "Yah, Felicity works for the Arrow." Barry says. "Sweet." Cisco says. "And you apparently are not." Felicity says. I laugh finally joining everyone else. "Wow my brother ladies and gentlemen. Truly great at keeping secrets." I say with pure sarcasm. "Shut up." Barry says. "Wait this is starting to all make sense. You know who the Arrow is." Cisco says, looking at Felicity. "Yes." she says. "Do you know who the Arrow is?" Cisco asks Barry. "Um..." Barry says, trying to not answer. "Okay before he tells the whole world that the Arrow is Lady Gaga let's change the topic." I say, earning laughs from both Barry and Cisco. "I agree. Let's sum it all up by saying my team has a similar setup, but with more pointy objects." Felicity says. "Welcome, Miss Smoak." Dr. Wells says, in the doorway of the Cortex. We all turn to face him. "Dr. Wells? The Dr. Wells?"  Felicity asks, in shock. "Please call me Harrison, Felicity." he says. "You know who I am?" she asks, in more shock than before. "Ranked second in the National Informative Technology competition at age 19. Graduated MIT with master's degree in cyber security and computer sciences. Yes I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. That's what brought me Cisco and Caitlin. And I foresaw... great things from you." Dr. Wells says, smirking. God that's sexy. "Speaking of great things, wanna see something cool?" Barry asks, walking towards his treadmill. "Showoff." I say, as we all follow him. Once his vitals can be monitored he starts running. "How fast can he run?" Felicity asks, watching him. "He hasn't reached his top speed yet... theoretically speaking." Dr. Wells says. "So is he really okay?" Felicity asks. "His heart rate is in normal range, for him anyway." Cait says. "No I mean that lightning bolt changed him. Do any of you really know how much?" She asks, concern in here voice. "We know a fair amount." I say. "If everything about him is sped up, is he gonna age faster? What would happen if he ran too fast? Would he just be running and then poof he's dust in a red costume?" Felicity asks, rambling her concerned thought. "Everything we do here, at S.T.A.R. Labs is to protect Barry Allen. Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here." Dr. Wells says. Felicity looks to me for reassurance. "He's fine. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Barry. At least not more than normal with him." I say. "Wanna see how fast I can run backwards?" Barry asks. We all look as he tries crashing into the wall of stuff behind him. "Don't worry he heals quickly too." Cait says. "Well as great as this has been I need lunch. Anyone want anything from Riverside?" I ask. "You know our order." Cisco says, referring to himself, Cait, and Wells. "While that is true, I believe she was referring to Miss Smoak." Dr. Wells says. "Yes I was, Felicity?" I ask. "What is there?" she asks. "Where?" Barry asks, holding his arm which looks broke. "Riverside. You for lunch." I say. "Oh while that sounds amazing. I was going to show Felicity around Central City some more." he says. "Well then heal, and go have fun. The rest of need food."  I say, leaving. "I'll go with you. Extra hands." Cisco says, following me out. "Okay why'd you really come with me?" I ask him once he's caught up. "Do you know who the Arrow is?" he asks. "If I did that would be so awesome and definitely cool. Unfortunately for you I'm neither awesome or cool." I say. "Does Barry?" he asks. "Stop prying at something you won't get an answer to from me." I say. "You do know." he says. "Look it does not matter whether I say I do or don't. It doesn't change the fact that if I did know unlike Barry I don't go around telling other people's secrets." I say. "I won't tell anyone I swear." he says. "Okay, you really want to know?" I ask him, as I stopped walking. "Yes." he says. "The Arrow is something that you shoot with a bow." I say. "Oh that's not cool y/n." he says. I laugh slightly at his annoyance continuing walking. "I told you. I have no idea. Ask Felicity if you really want to try and get that information from someone." I say. "Fine." he says. "Good, still coming with me to get food?" I ask, as we finally reach my car. "Yah. No reason to be here doing nothing." he says. With that we both get into the car and leave. 

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