Chapter Five

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Today has certainly been interesting to say the least. Although I did get to see one of my best friends after a couple months which was amazing. I do wish it had been for a different reason than it was. Anyways I'm getting ahead of myself though, so let's go back to earlier that morning. 

"Barry bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere." Cisco says. "On it." Barry says, over comms. "Wait that's where I bank." Cait says. "Once super thieves showed up I went mattress." Cisco says. I laugh at that. "You think it's funny?" Cisco asks. "The actual concept behind it absolutely not. The way you said it and brought it up most definitely." I say, still slightly laughing. (Moments later) "Barry how'd it go?" I ask, as he speeds in. "Talk later." he says, leaving as quickly as he came. Except his suit was back on display meaning he changed for work. "Well looks like we'll have at least an hour or two before he gets back to fill us in. I'm going to get lunch now in case we get really busy when it actually comes time to eat." I say, standing up. I put on my jacket, grab my keys, and phone about to leave when I'm stopped. "Y/n I'll go with you." Harrison says. "I'm fine to go on my own. Thanks for offering though." I say. "I wasn't-" he starts, but I leave before I hear the rest. I also leave S.T.A.R. Labs on my own meaning he must've stayed behind. Good I didn't really want to talk to him right now let alone have it just be the two of us. At Riverside I check my phone and see two unread messages from Cait. They read: The usual for me and Cisco wants his normal with a slushie. He said you'd get it despite the drive since he's your favourite. I'm about to put my phone away when I get a text from Harrison. We need to talk at some point today. No more evading. I know he's right that we haven't really talked since everything happened a month ago, but I was hoping to avoid it a while longer. He apparently doesn't. 

After ordering all the food even Harrison's despite the fact he didn't ask for it I head to get Cisco his slushie. Mainly because I don't want to head back yet not because he's my favourite. After getting that though I do finally head back to S.T.A.R. Labs and it's been about an hour and 15 minutes since I left when I return. Heading inside with everything I realize Barry's back. "Finally you're back. I need my slushie." Cisco says, taking it from my hand. I just see Cait smile and roll her eyes. Not in a mean way, but just like saying I can't believe she actually got it. I set all the food down before finally sitting down myself. Barry just looks at me. "What?" I ask. "Nothing you just didn't get me anything." he says. "You weren't here, and I didn't know you'd be here when I got back. Also you could go get your food in five seconds." I say, and he just looks at me with that look he gets smiling. "No." I say. It doesn't matter though because he's gone and returns in a flash with food. I just roll my eyes at his behaviour. "Anger, hate, aggression." Harrison says, wheeling into the room. "A Jedi craves not these things." Cisco says. We all just look at him like seriously. "No one is feeling that quote?" he asks, dissapointed. "No." I say, bluntly. "Everyone in the bank went total savage for like five minutes and then they were fine again." Barry says, finally filling us in on what happened earlier. "Anger is a powerful emotion." I say, looking over to Harrison for a second before looking away. "Yes, if this meta-human can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims, he can do a lot of damage." Harrison says. "Detective West helped get a copy of the cat scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank. Take a look." Cait says, pulling up the scans onto the screens that way we can all see them. "Well, look at this, the emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed." I say. "Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the part of the brain that stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive thing that pops into their head." Cait says. "How do you think the meta does it to them?" Barry asks."That's the half million dollar question." Cait says. I see Barry pull out his phone as it buzzes and then looks down at. "Hey if you guys figure it out just me a call, okay?" Barry asks. "Why? Is The Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?" I ask. "No." he says, way too quickly. "Really?" I ask. "Fine. Yes, but she probably just wants to ask me... I mean you know him about meta-human stuff for her blog." he says. "Do you want some advice?" I ask. "No matter what I say I'm getting the advice." he says, knowing me. "Don't get involved. As The Flash or yourself. I know you love her, but you don't want to be the one to blame for their breakup." I say. "Okay." he says, and leaves. I know he won't listen he never does when it comes to Iris. I just try to warn him of the inevitable outcome he'll have to face at some point. That's just not going to be today. (Moments later) "Barry are you there?" Cisco asks. "What?" he asks. "The police got a ping off the tracker hidden in the stolen cash. SWAT team's closing in on the 1600 block of Pass. Now stop ruining Iris' love life and go." I say. 

Later on

 As me, Cait, and Cisco walk into the Cortex we see Felicity without a shirt on. We just stand there for a moment watching the sight. "You guys remember Felicity." Barry says, looking at us. Felicity grabs her purse to cover herself. "I'll always remember this." Cisco says, smiling. "It's great to see you again." Caitlin says. "What're you doing here?" I ask, handing her my hoodie to put on. "Thanks." she says. "Of course." I say. "This." she says, showing us a boomerang of some sort. "Awesome. What're the wings made out of?" Cisco asks, intrigued. "Not sure... I'm thinking some sort of composite or high-density plastic..." Felicity says. "Reinforced by carbon fiber. Oh that's weird. It's feels like its.." Cisco starts, now holding the boomerang. "Vibrating." Felicity finishes. "Yah." Cisco says, as they head towards Cisco's lab. "Are you here alone?" I ask, before they're completely out of the room. "No. The Arrow is also here." she says. I smile because that's the answer I was hoping for. "Are guys good here if leave for the night?" I ask Barry and Caitlin. "Yah." they answer. "Okay I'm going to tell Harrison I'm leaving then." I say, going to do exactly that. "Y/n?" Joe asks when I walk into the room. "Didn't know you were here. I came to tell Harrison that I'm leaving for the night." I say. "We never got a chance to talk." Harrison says. "Well it seems somebody else is going to be the one in trouble tonight." I say, knowing that Joe's probably here to double team Barry on something with Harrison. "Uh yah. We wanted to talk about Barry's encounter with the Starling City vigilante earlier." Joe says. "You don't approve of him being in Central City. Let alone being around Barry. I get it, but ultimately it's not your choice." I say. For a moment neither of them say anything then "We'll talk tomorrow, goodnight y/n." Harrison says. "Goodnight Harrison. Goodbye Joe." I say, and with that I leave. Once in my car I text Oliver Queen aka The Arrow. Also one of my best friends since before the world thought he was dead including me. Yes I know his secret. In fact I figured it out before anyone else. Well maybe except Moira. (Moira Queen, Oliver's mother) Anyways I ask if he's up to hang out for a while since he's in town. I get a reply within seconds reading Busy right now. When I'm done?  I reply with Yah, mine and Barry's apartment. With that I put my phone away and head home. 

About a half hour later I hear the door open and in comes Oliver. "Hey y/n." he says, as he shuts the door behind him. "Nice outfit. You can change in the bathroom." I say, as he's still in his Arrow gear. He just laughs, but does what I said. When he comes back out he sits on the couch next to me. "It's great to see you again." he says. "Been a while. Honestly missed you and Starling." I say. "Why not come visit?" he asks. "It's been busy here with all the metas and even with just regular criminals in general. Trust me I haven't felt this attached to Central City since when you were presumed dead and I moved back." I say. "I get it things haven't been calm in Starling lately with well everything." he says. "So what were you busy with tonight?" I ask. "Um getting a name for Barry." he says. "I thought Barry said you didn't want to help." I say. "Well it's just a name." he says. "Of who?" I ask. "Your meta." he admits. "You should tell Barry before he and everyone else leaves for the night." I say. "I'll tell him when we get coffee in the morning. I want to hang with you for tonight." he says. "I won't argue with that, but Ollie it's not bad to admit you wanna help us." I say. He glares at me for a moment and I laugh. "It's not funny." he says. "Right. Not funny." I say, sarcastically. "Shut up." he says, now smiling. 

For the rest of the night we just caught up and talked. Honestly it felt amazing to be with Ollie again, and I wish that night could've never ended. Except it did when at 12:30am Barry walked in clearly exhausted. "Hey Barry." Ollie says. "This is why you left. I should've known when you asked Felicity if she was here alone." Barry says. "Are you mad?" I ask. "No you guys haven't seen each other in months. It's just been a long day. I"m going to bed. Goodnight." he says, leaving us alone again. This time it was different though we weren't talking, but just sitting in silence as we can't talk about what we were with Barry here. "I should get going." Ollie says, standing up. "Yah. I guess you should." I say, kind of disappointed that our night of talking is over. "I had fun tonight. I definitely miss having you to talk to all the time." he says. "Same you get me in a way only a couple others do. One being Thea." I say, smiling. "See you tomorrow." he says. "Yes, goodnight Ollie." I say. "Goodnight y/n." he says, and with that he leaves. God today has been interesting to say the least. I also got to see my best friend though, so I'm happy. 

A/n: 1922 words. Another shorter one, but still enjoyable. Hope you're enjoying! I certainly am especially now that the friendship with Ollie is in the story. Remember to vote and comment. Also share with others if you think they'd be interested in reading this as well. 

Original publication: December 11, 2022

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