2# Nevermore high

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That was 4 years ago, I was charged with murder and sentenced to Juvinall prison, I was only 12. From there I proceeded to set at least 2 other kids on fire and burned 4 cells into ashes. By the time I was 14, juvenile prison had enough of me and sent me to a clinic for the insane, after about 2 months I started to make a recovery and 2 years later I got discharged, the nurses there new I was different, so they decided to enroll me in a school in Jericho. The school of outcasts, Nevermore high.

I pull my hoodie over my head as I walk up to the gates of the school and push my way into the large area, inside a white curly haired lady awaits my arrival.
"Hello, you must be y/n. Am I correct?"
"Yeah, that's me" I say as I walk closer to the lady.
"Well then welcome to nevermore high!" She chirps.
"I'll show you to your dorm, but first take that hoodie off" she says as she leads me away into a long hallway.

She stops outside a door and hands me a key.
"I'm sorry but you will have to be living by yourself until farther notice" I nod while walking towards the door and pushing it open. It was a big room with a huge window in the Centre of the back wall, the room is the shape of a triangle and has a balcony outside.
"Thanks" I say as I walk into the Centre of the room.
"Well, I'll let you settle in, oh and I've done some research on you and I've found some stuff that you might like for your room. The boxes will be up in a few hours, there will also be a student coming around to give you a tour later" she says while walking out of the room and shutting the door.
'Finally, some peace and quiet'

I walk over to the bed on the left side of the room and set my bag down. The sound of zipping fills the room as I open my guitar case, I pull out my electric guitar and its amplifier. The window creeks as I open it and climb out with my guitar and the amplifier. I set everything up and strum the strings. My finger slide over them while my other hand gets into position on the rod of the guitar, I've already set up the book Infront of me. It's flipped to the song 'square hammer' by ghost. I start playing, my head bobs as I strum the strings and adjust my fingers to match the sheet.

I set everything back in its case and lay on the bed, God I haven't done that in ages. 

'Someone's coming' I turn my head, two thuds come from the door. As I stand up and open it, a blond-haired girl stands Infront of me with a big smile on her face. 

"Hi I'm Enid!" She says while holding out her hand.

"Y/n" I address myself as I take her hand in mine and shake.
"I'm here to give you a tour of the school" She chirps.

We walk through long stretches of hallways before stopping outside a large wooden door.
"This is the library" she says as we walk in.
'We are going to like this place.'
"I like reading, so I'll be visiting this place lots" I say as we walk out.
"Really, You like books?" Enid says as we continue walking.

Haha cliff hanger, I hope you liked this chapter. I decided to make y/n play the guitar but if you want to change that you can. There was a lot in the last chapter so think of this one as a wind down chapter you know.

LuV u

Word count: 631

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