4# Picked On

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Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I lost my phone, so I had to type all this only laptop. For some reason it doesn't let me post things on my laptop so that's why this post is a bit late any way enjoys.

My feet fly across the wooden floor making light taps as I speed through the halls. I turn my head around to be faced with my dad chasing after me. His heavy thuds replace the sound of my light steps as I dash away from him, I turn a couple corners hoping to lose the man chasing after me but to no avail. I keep running without turning back.

"Sweet Y/n" He manages to puff out.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" My voice echos through the halls as I continue sprinting. I turn down a hall as I turn my head to get a look at wear my dad is, my while whole body smashes into a dead end making me fall backwards and hit my head on the floor. my vision blurs as I try sit up, I slowly swing my body around to face my father running up to me and stopping a couple feet away.

"Oh Y/n" I whimper as he takes a couple steps towards me. I quickly shut my eyes and squeeze them.

"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES Y/N, I WANNA SEE THEM WIDEN WITH FEAR!" He screams at me making me squeeze them tighter. He squats down and puts his grubby hand on my chin and cheek, he tilts my head up.

"Open your eyes" I shake my head. He squishes my face in his hand.

"n-no" I stutter out.

"Open Your FUCKING EYES" I flinch, I slowly open my eyes to reveal a gruesome creature with bulging eyes and a crooked grin. The creature doesn't have any clothes on making its hunch back more visible, one of its long arms are reached out and is grabbing my face while the other one stabilizes it.

"AAAAAAAH" I let out a blood curdling scream, I skootch my body away making it hit the wall behind me. The creature takes another step towards me, its face sits right in front of mine. The hot breath of the monster hits my face along with a rotten stench making me screw up my nose. it opens its large mouth revealing rows of sharp wonky teeth, it snaps its jaw shut.

My eyes burst open as I let out a scream, I look around the room. It's my normal dorm in Nevermore, thank God. I slip out of bed and check the time.

"7.55" My legs take me over to my closet. I open the doors and get out my uniform. The wooden doors make a bang as I walk into the classroom. My head turns as I look for a seat to sit in.

'No seats, they must hate you' The voice in my head purrs.

"Hey over here!" Xavier waves his hand and pats the seat next to him. I walk over and sit next to him. He continues drawing something in his book, I lean my body over to have a look at what Hes's drawing. a black and gray tarantula sits on the page, he sees me looking and hovers his hand over the bit of paper. the tarantula starts walking off the bit of paper towards me.

"No need to impress, Xavier" He puts his head down while the spider still crawls towards

me, my hands scoop up the spider and bring it closer to my face to have a closer look.

"Cool" I say as the tarantula disappears, i turn my head to look a Xavier. his face lights up a bit from hearing my comment.

"So, you must be the kid who blew part of their old school to pieces" A dark-skinned girl says as she walks Infront of my table.

'I don't like her'

"Yeah, and?"

"Just wondering"

"Better not blow US up" Another girl at the back chimes in.

'I will in a second if you don't SHUT THE FU-'

"Leave her alone, Beonca" Xavier says making Beonca turn her head towards him looking kind of hurt.

I walk out of the class and down the hall towards the pentagonal courtyard while I pull out one of the books I got from the secret library. I sit on one of the sides benches outside while everyone else sits and talks amongst themselves.

'Watch out' A paper ball fly's my way hitting the wall right beside my head making me turn my head in the direction of the throw.

"Sorry, that was meant to hit you" says a boy sitting at the werewolf table causing them all to burst out laughing.

"Dick" I whisper as I look back down and continue reading, a couple more paper balls come flying my way. I swiftly turn my head up from my book making the paper balls burst into flames and fall to the floor. The whole courtyard goes silent while I stand up and quickly rush to my dorm.

Thump thump thump, a nock comes from my dorm door making me stand up and open the door. Enid stands in front of me with a sad look on her face.

"I saw what happened at the courtyard, I'm sorry about the furs, they can be annoying at times" she says while stepping into my room.

"It's fine, it's not your fault" I say while closing the door behind Enid as she sits on my bed. Just then another nock comes from my door.

'Oh my god how many people want us?' I quickly turn around and open the door revealing a couple boxes sitting in the hallway with a note on top. Enid walks up behind me and reads the note.

"Sorry, your decorations came a bit late-principal Weems. OMG, we should decorate your dorm!" she says while jumping up and down.

"Ok, it'll be easier with some help" I say while picking up one of the boxes and bringing it into my dorm.

We finish decorating just in time for the dinner bell to ring. Principle Weems actually did a good job at picking out my dorm decorations. The color scheme is my fav colors and the decoration fit my personality great.

"Omg I'm jealous of your room now! it looks so good" comments Enid as we walk out the door.

We sit off to the side of the pentagonal courtyard with our dinner in our hands. Our voices fill the silence around us as we eat and talk. After we eat and put our stuff away, we head to the library and talk for a little longer.

"Yeah, I tote agree, like the new teacher is so nice she brought me a flower on my first day" Enid answers. We talk for a little longer before we realize the time and decide to go to our dorms.

I strip off my uniform and put my pjs on, my pjs are a two piece. The top half is a black cat crop top, and my bottoms are grey sleeping shorts with little cat ears scattered around. My back hits my bed while I swiftly pull the covers over me. The mattress engulfs me as I fall into a deep slumber.

Hey, I hope you liked this chapter. I've been writing bits of it through the day cause it's the weekend, also I left my phone at my school, so I have to write on my computer for the moment. anyway, bye-bye.

Word count: 1271

Warm Hands (Xavier Thorpe x Reader x Ajax Petropolus)Where stories live. Discover now