5# Your welcome

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I quickly chuck my uniform on not caring if it looks messy or not, my feet make a light patter as I run down the hallway trying to get to my class on time. The doors slam against the walls as I burst through the doors and run to my seat, I hate school honestly.

"Your late Mrs. L/n" Miss Thornhill says with her back facing the class.

'I don't like her'

"You don't like anyone" I whisper.

"What did you say Mrs. l/n?"

"Oh, nothing misses Thornhill" I quickly reply.

When class finishes, I walk around the halls with a book in my hand not actually heading anywhere, just strolling around reading until I bump into someone making me drop my book and fall backwards. 

"Oops sorry" I look up at the voice, Xavier squats down picks up my book and helps me to my feet.

"I should be the one apologizing, I wasn't looking where I was going" I say, Xavier looks at the title of my book before passing it back to me.

"If you get buried alive, I don't think I've seen that book in the school library before" he comments.

"Really it was the first book I saw" I lie, we stand there for one second before he speaks again.

"Well, I gotta go, you should look where your headed" he chuckles before walking away with his hands in his pockets. I quickly nod and continue walking. I pass a bunch of scales on the way to my dorm.

"Ah no don't kill us" one of them fake cries as I walk past, a hot rush slides into my body but I push it back down as I continue walking to my dorm.

The bell for lunch rings making me jump.

'Damn you spent quite a while reading, nerd'

"Shut up" I walk out of my dorm with my book still glued onto my hand, I started reading the long chapter book this Moring and I'm already halfway through. The loud chattering of teens greets my ears as I walk into the pentagonal courtyard, I wasn't that hungry, so I didn't grab any food. My eyes scan over the pages as I continue flipping through my book not knowing someone's watching.

I walk through the heavy wooden doors at the front of the school, I just got a pass from principal Weems to go into the town of Jerico. As I walk under the tall bridge like gate, the sound of scraping stones echoes above me. A huge gargoyle comes speeding down towards me, I stand they're just watching it plumet closer and closer towards me. Just before the big lump of stone bashes my brains in a body pushes me out of the way causing the side of my head to hit the ground while black spots fill my vision.

My body aches as I open my eyes and look around the room, light flashes in my face as a dull gray and blue hospital room comes into view. My vision blurs as I attempt to focus on a tall figure sitting at the side of my bed.

"Oh, your awake" a masculine voice comments, the blurriness clears to reveal Xavier sitting at my side.

"Uh, what happened?" my voice sounds like someone scraped their nails across a chalk board.

"Well, I was walking into the gates when I saw one of the stone gargoyles about to hit you, so I pushed you out of the way"

"Thanks, but I didn't need your help"

"Yeah, well if I didn't push you out of the way you would've had your brains mashed"

'We should go' I stand up and walk to the door.

"Welp thanks again but I didn't need your help, I was going to move out of the way" I say as I walk out of the room.

"You're welcome!" he yells from behind the door as I walk off back to my room.

sorry I haven't posted much iv kind of gone out of my Xavier faze but I'll still keep writing because a lot of you guys seem to like this book, so I'll keep going!

L4v3 you

- Leafie

word count: 703

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