Midnight talking.

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(Yoori's pov)

[you know I'm glad I made sure my bed was high up enough for me to hide under]

( the person opens the door and closes it behind them)

[that is definitely sunoo,i can tell by the sound of his footsteps.]

"Today was horrible..."

[so now he talks to himself? Or is he talking to my stuffed animals?]

"Another shapeshifter claimed to be yoori.... But this one was more convincing, i didn't like it..."

(I can hear him sniffling)


"I'm sleeping in here with you guys again..."

(Sunoo gets off my bed and goes to get changed I'm guessing.)

[he must've started sleeping in my room ever since he found it.]

(Sunoo comes back and gets back on my bed)

[ah so now he sleeps shirtless, makes sense.]

(I decided to wait a bit before I came out from under the bed)

[ok I think I'm good now.]

(I quietly crawl out from my bed, that is until sunoo decided to step on my back with one of his feet)

"How long have you been under there? Hours? Are you dying to kill me in my sleep?"

(He stops stepping on me, he gets off the bed and grabs me by my arms)

"Sunoo what are you doing-"

(He pushes me on my bed and grabs something from under MY pillow)

"I always come prepared now."

(Once again it's a dagger. But this time I really can't move, one of his hands is holding both of my hands over my head, the other one is hold the dagger.)

"Aren't you quite observant, you must've kept looking to see if there was something you could get into after you left my office."


"Stop Talking, I'm done with you little shapeshifters and your mind games so just give up and turn to your normal form, I'm going to have you burned at a stake tomorrow your family should at least know that you disappointed them."

"Sunoo are you trying to hurt my feelings? Because it isn't working."

[thank god when he was talking I found a weak spot I completely forgot about]

(I'm able to get one hand out of his grasp and I reach a side of his waist.)

[he was always ticklish.]

(I try tickling him, but there's no response.)

"What are you doing, I'm threatening you with death and you are tickling me"

"Because that was your ticklish spot, you were always ticklish-"

(He just lets my hand stay on the side of his waist)

"What else do you know."

"I know that you didn't like sleeping alon-"

"Something more of meaning."

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