Chapter 3

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Third Person POV

"Okay so, whenever you need to refill the salt, it's right here. A lot of the other food items are in the storage closet back there. Cleaning supplies are right under here. You can write the orders you take however you want as long as Cezar can read them. Got it?" Evan explains while moving around hoping she got everything. If she didn't then he could ask questions along the way. 

"Yes ma'am" Jess smiles. He couldn't help it. The way she knew every nook and crannie of this place that seemed insignificant. It wasn't to her. To her, he could see, it was her home, her safe place, she could be herself here. 

"Can you wipe down the tables for me and I'll come up behind you and put the chairs up" she asks and explains. Trying to hurry, she still has a lot to do. 

"Yea I got you" he also wanted to get to bed. The only difference was that he thought this was the last thing they needed to do. 

After wiping down the tables, putting up the chairs and everything else, Evangeline hit the lights. She didn't like people knowing how long she spent down here, so when she only has the dishes left, she turns the lights off. Turning to Jess, she tries to tell him to go ahead and go to bed. 

"Go on and head to bed. I just gotta do a final walk through and I'll be up" she says as if she'll be up in five minutes. At first, she convinces him. However, after waiting at the door to the room for a good 10 minutes and her not coming up, he decides to go back down. Downstairs, is where he finds her washing dishes and singing to herself. At first he can't help but stand there a minute listening before he interrupts. 

(Song above)

"Piece by piece, he collected me up off the ground where you abandoned things.

Piece by piece, he filled the holes that you burned in me at six years old. 

He never walks away, he never asks for money, he takes care of me, cause he loves me. 

Yea piece by piece, he restored my faith that a man could be kind-" 

Clapping. Evangeline heard clapping, stopping her singing and freezing. Slowly, she turned around, spotting Jess there with a smile on his face. 

"I know that song. You singing it about your boyfriend?" he questions. 

" long have you been standing there?" she questions furrowing her brows and pointing at him with soapy hands after a nervous chuckle. 

"Long enough to know that you avoided my question, and that you have a really nice voice. Why're you still down here? You said all you had to do was check everything." he says, slowly walking towards her. 

"Okay, fine. I can't sing that song about my boyfriend because I don't have one. I don't have a nice singing voice, it's horrible. I know I said I had to check to make sure we didn't miss anything and look, we missed the dishes, so this is me finishing that up." she replies sarcastically, refocusing on the task in front of her. She just wanted to sleep. Getting sleep meant that she had to hurry and get this done. 

"How is it possible you don't have a boyfriend. That seems impossible for someone like you." he says helping her with the dishes.

"Have you seen me leave this Diner today?" she asks rhetorically, "I'd say it's pretty possible" 

"Evan. Look at me" Jess says a bit sternly but gentle to make her look at him. He needed the truth and he'd be able to tell if she was saying it or not. She just needed to look at him. Slowly bringing her head up to look at him, he asks, "Why didn't you tell me we still had the dishes to do?" 

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