Chapter 6

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"What're you doing?" Luke asks the teenage girl standing behind the counter. Considering she's been standing in the same place for a good 10 minutes, which is odd for her, he was worried.

"I've been watching Lorelei and Rory debate coming in here for a good 10 minutes" Evangeline replies to the man, pointing to the window.

"Huh" is all he says in response. They both stand there for a minute before Rory starts making her way into the Diner. Making them force themselves to look busy.

Evan knows Luke will make Lorelei come inside for coffee, so she decides to make an extra to slip to Rory on her way out.

"What can I get you" Luke grumbles towards the youngest of the Gilmores.

"Two danishes and two coffee's please" she says in an innocent tone.

"Two?" Luke asks yet another question to her.

"What can I say? I'm really hungry today" she says pitching her voice just a tad and tilting her head ever so slightly.

"One of these is for her isn't it" he asks again. He was playing along. He wouldn't admit it, but he enjoyed it.

"Who? Oh no no no. All for little ol' me" Rory says waving her hand towards the man.

"I'll tell you what, how about you sit over there and I'll bring you 1 coffee and 1 danish, and when you're finished right over there where I can see you. Then, I'll bring you the second ones." He argues pointing towards a table in the corner.

"You're just gonna watch me?" Rory asks while grimacing. She did not enjoy the idea of someone watching her eat. Which is what he wanted in the first place.

"Cables out. I'm starved for entertainment" Luke says in a monotone voice. "One coffee one danish. Take it or leave it" he finally says.

"I'll take it" the private school girl pouts taking both the coffee and the danish before heading towards the door.

Evan walks in front of the door right as Rory is about to grab the handle and puts the coffee she stole into her hands. Seeing Rory give a grateful look she nods.

"Well?" Lorelei asks as soon as her daughter walks out.

"He would only sell me one of each. But, Evan did slip this into my hands before I left without Luke seeing" Rory says, handing the extra coffee to her mother.

"Oh my god. I love that child so much. I need to tell her that more often" she says, looking for Evan in the window. Catching her eye, Lorelei blows her a kiss and gets a wink in return.

———————————TIME SKIP————————
After School

"Hey there you are. How was school?" Luke asks walking in step with Jess. Evan following behind the two. Luke wanted her to come along to mediate anything that happened between the two.

"Fine. What're you doing here?" Jess answers, turning around to direct his question to the girl following the pair.

"He made me" she answers simply, arms folded and still walking. Jess doesn't reply, just nods his head and then turns back around.

"I got an interesting phone call today. Wanna know from who?" Luke asks his nephew rhetorically.

"Not really but I'm guessing you're gonna tell me anyways" Jess says sarcastically back still walking.

"Taylor Doose" Luke states

"Who" Jess reply's, still not completely sure who everyone is yet.

"He owns the market"

"If you say so"

"He says you came in today, distracted him, and then stole the bridge money. I told him you would never do that and hung up on him. Now as much as I enjoy hanging up on Taylor, was he right?" Luke asks.

"Right about what?" He asks back, he honestly did not steal anything. He may have skipped a class or two, but he didn't steal anything.

"Did you steal the money?" Luke asks, yet again, he wants to believe he didn't, but he just can't. He doesn't know why.

"What do you think?" Jess says, keeping his head forward to walk.

"I think if you tell me you didn't do it, then I'll believe you didn't do it"

"I didn't do it" Jess says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, throwing his hands to the side.

"See, I wanna believe that, but then I think, 'why would Taylor lie', and why would he say you came and stole the money when you didn't" Luke says, touching his fingers to his forehead. "I'm trying to help you Jess-"

"Well stop" everyone stops at the beginning of the bridge, "stop trying to help. You send me to this stupid town, and send me to this stupid school, which says the pledge of allegiance in six different languages, two of which I've never even heard of, I hate everyone here. So don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Just leave me alone" Jess rants, leaving a slight pang of guilt in his heart as he looks at Evan, who has found her shoes very interesting.

"That's what you want" Luke asks his nephew, an idea popping into his head. All Jess does is nod. "You got it"

They start walking across the bridge in a fast pace, Evan hot on their trail, until Luke pushes Jess into the lake. As Luke keeps walking Evan couldn't help but laugh.

"Could you help me here, please" the teenage boy asks sticking his hand out, in response, Evan sits down next to him.

"Why should I? You just said you hated me" she states in a sweet tone, tilting her head ever so slightly.

"I didn't mean you. In fact I meant everyone except you" Jess tries to reason. When he doesn't get a response, he sighs, and moves in between where her bare feet are dipped in the water.

Neither breaking eye contact, Jess puts his hands on either side of her on the bridge. He pulls himself up to the point where they are now face to face. Glancing down at her lips for a mere second then back to her, saying, "I'm sorry, sweetheart"

"It's okay" she whispers, "just don't do it again" she says, a smile making its way into her face. Along with a blush to accompany it.

Looking down, she bites her lip. Jess puts his pointer finger on the bottom of her chin slowly raising her head. Using his thumb to bring her lip from between her teeth, "Don't do that" he says gently.

"Do what?" she asks, in the same tone.

"Pull your bottom lip in with your teeth. It takes away its fullness" he states without hesitation.

They stayed like that for a moment, memorizing each other. Then, as life does, the moment passed as Evangeline got up before she could embarrass herself even more.

"Come on, let's you get you back to the Diner and get you in some dry clothes before you catch pneumonia" she says, gesturing for him to get out of the water.

He couldn't say anything. All he could do was get out of the lake and walk beside her. Staring at her, trying to figure out what this weird feeling in his chest was.   

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