Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

"Evan?" Jess whispers quietly as to not wake his uncle, "what're you doing up? It's 4 in the morning"

Evan chuckles falsely at him before speaking, "Believe me I know. After you fell asleep before we came home, Rory and I discussed that her grandmother so graciously got us a private room at the event. The only down side is we have to be there super early to set an example"

"That is probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of" Jess says in a monotone, sleepy voice, "well let me come with you" he states, going to get ready.

"No, you have to stay. The dates and dads aren't allowed in the dressing room and Lorelei's picking you up later. Everything both of you need is in the black garment bags, I labeled them and if you still have trouble, Lor will help" Evan talks in a rushed whisper.

  "Okay, well, I'm gonna go back to sleep. I'll see you later sweetheart." Jess smiles, as she's still rushing with everything. She actually cares about this event.

"Yea, I'll see you later. Remind Luke I'm taking his truck to get Rory and try not to let your mouth hit the ground" Evan says, picking up the keys she'd been looking for and pecking him on the bottom of his jaw.

Jess' breath hitches as he stares at the space she was before. She'd given him a chaste kiss before. The only difference this time was she didn't feel like standing on her toes.

He smiles before dragging his feet across the room back to his bed. Where he falls asleep with a ghost of a smile on his face.


"Guys? If we don't leave soon we're going to be late. You almost ready?" Lorelei says as she walks through the door of the upstairs apartment.

"How do people wear these?"

"I swear to god I'm gonna burn it"

Luke and Jess both say as Lorelei sees them in the bathroom trying to put together they're own ties.

"I thought Evan left instructions on how to do that." She says as she begins looking around the messy apartment for them.

"She left instructions?" The two say, sticking they're head out the door.

"Yea. At least that's what she tol- ah. Got it. Right here" the women states, holding up a piece of paper.

"I'm pretty sure she thinks we're stupid" Luke grumbles, taking the paper.

"We've been trying to tie these things for the past hour. I don't think she was that far off" Jess retaliates, looking that the paper with his uncle.

"Okay, you know what? I know how to tie them. I'll do it when we get there so you can breathe during the car ride but we have to go now or we're going to be late. Cmon. Let's go" the older Gilmore states, pushing the boys out the door and down the stairs.

"Lorelei! If you push me any harder I'm gonna fall down the stairs" Luke complains.

"Well good, maybe that'll get you down them faster"


"Rory, c'mon stop reading. I have to start your hair and make-up so that we can get dressed." Evan says, making Rory turn so that she could start putting the curling iron through.

"I don't understand why I can't read while you do my hair at the same time" Rory complains.

"Well that is because when you read you look down, which throws off the manner of how I'm supposed to be doing your hair. Also I'm pretty sure you don't want to read with your stretched straight out in front of you" Evan retorts.

"Thank you, by the way" Rory mutters under her breathe.

"Really it's no problem, I do this stuff every single morning so it's not that hard to-" Evan starts before getting cut off by the youngest Gilmore.

"That's not what the thank you's for. It's for doing this with me. It's for everything really."

"Oh. Well uhm... your welcome Rory. It's not really that big of deal." Evan responds, shaking her head.

"It is to me." Rory mutters again, making Evan smile while they sit in silence for duration of the time they have to get ready before heading to the top of the stairs.

(Use your dream wedding dress for this)

"Jess?! What're you doing? Go wait downstairs" Evan states as she looks at Jess.

Jess had snuck upstairs to ask Evan a question before the event started. Although now, he couldn't remember what it was.

"I had a question but I can't remember what it was. Wow..." he trails off looking the girl up and down, lips parted.

The girl being oblivious to social cues starts looking over herself, "What? Is there something on me?"

"No... I wanna say it but I don't think you'll like it..."

"Just say it Jess" she demands, getting annoyed.

"You look...really beautiful, Evan. I mean really, truly beautiful" he treads lightly, not wanting to upset her.

He gets a small nod and a tight lipped smile in return, which isn't what he wanted but he was progress in comparison to her yelling at him so he'd take it.

"You better get downstairs, you definitely don't want to get yelled at by the event coordinator. She's not the nicest person in the world" Evan states, breaking him out of his trance.

"Right, I'll see you out there, yeah?" Jess asks, stepping a little closer to the girl.

"We'll I'd sure hope so, you are my date"

"Yea right. Don't trip" Jess laughs, kissing her cheek and walking out.

"Don't jinx it!" The girl yells out the door, earning weird looks from other people.


"I'm proud that you guys were able to keep a straight face during the whole thing. Well most of you." Lorelei states, looking over at the two grown men beside her.

"Hey, I'm sorry, that fan dance was just too hilarious." Chris says, laughing slightly.

"I don't think I've ever seen anything anymore ridiculous" Luke states, smiling.

"Really? Not even in the mirror every morning?" Evan asks, tilting her head towards the man.

"Okay you know what..." the group hears him trail off as Evan takes off down the street, Luke chasing after her, Jess smiling after them, which Lorelei notices.

"Don't hurt her" she says, looking straight ahead.

"I'll try my best" both of them turning to look at each other. Coming to a silent agreement before looking back forward.

Jess knows he doesn't want to make any promises in case he does break them. The only thing he can do is try his best. Which he's going to try very hard to do. Something the oldest Gilmore understands.

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