Chapter 29: If You Wanna Run Away, Let Me Know

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How do you prepare for a date? You had no idea

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How do you prepare for a date? You had no idea.

At the present moment, you were standing in front of the mirror in the van, at midday exactly, trying to fix your hair; Gerard was going to be here at any moment. You didn't have any fancy clothes, (you were on tour, for fuck's sake), so you had to settle for your best jacket and jeans.

Harvey was watching you from his bunk, as he counted out his new pills, "Y'know he's not gonna care about what you're wearing, right?" he asked, reading the information that had come with the prescription.

"I care!" you retorted hotly, "I don't want to look like shit! Though, I'm not sure if I can pull that off," you joked, with a self deprecating chuckle.

Harvey gave you an exasperated look, before there was a sudden knock; you flailed, tripping over yourself, and hyperventilating, while Chris just observed from her corner cackling unabashedly at your panic. You straightened out your clothes, and breathed in deeply, to steady yourself, and your manager gave you a thumbs up from where he sat to assure you.

Then, you opened the door, and tried to look nonchalant, doing some lame finger guns, and asking in a shaky manner, "What's up?"

Gerard grinned — he was kitted out in one of his stage outfits, in his black waistcoat and dress shirt, though his hair was just as bouncy and curly as it usually was. "You ready to go?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah," you replied, face already beginning to boil. You hesitantly stepped out, and gave him a wobbly smile, "So, uh, where are we eating?"

"I found this palace that serves really good food for a good price, down the road," he answered, as he led you towards a car nearby. "Brian agreed to drive us there too."

"Wow, you planned it out," you laughed, as he took your hand in his.

"I told you I would," he responded smugly, with a little hair flip.

You had to hold back a massive snort of amusement, instead allowing him to escort you to the vehicle. The ride was short, and Brian dropped you off at a snug little restaurant, on the corner of the street — after you confirmed that you'd get picked up at 4, in time for your flight, you both went inside, and got yourselves comfortable in a small booth, out of sight from others.

"You picked a good spot," you couldn't help but remark, as you picked up the menu; the walls were covered in posters for bands, which you thought was a nice touch.

"Brian recommended it," Gerard admitted, "I didn't know where the hell we could go, so I ended up doing research with him."

"You did research?" you asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I did!" he defended, folding his arms haughtily.

Again, you fought to compose yourself, with a cough, "Right."

Before he could respond, a waiter turned up to take your orders; after he was gone, you dabbled with the idea of telling Gerard about your lack of experience with this type of thing, but he beat you to it, questioning, "Can I tell you something?"

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