Ch 10 - Mr. Principal Man

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"Y-your y/n right?", Asked a man I've seen a million times. However, my shitty memory always forgot his name.

"The one and only, Mr. Principal man." I said sarcastically and lowered my knife once I realized I was holding it to his throat. "How is it outside? Still the same?" He asked.

I looked at him as if he was an idiot, "How should I know? I just woke up." I yawned and stretched. I looked over to Gwi-nam who was sitting up yawning. "What's with the rodent?" Gwi-nam asked and looked at me.

I looked down and saw the one and only, Hippo laying on my stomach. "Hippo?!" I gasped and grabbed the blood covered mouse. Where did he come from? I freed him. They both looked at me confused as I nuzzled my face into Hippo's fur.

"Oh right. I found this little guy in the science room. I named him Hippo, and I let him free." I said and place him beside on me on the couch. The rodent crawled over and onto my lap and layed in my skirt.

"Lucky rat." Gwi-nam said.

"Who cares about the damn rat? Y/n, can you drive the car?" The Principal asked. I simply shook my head and pet hippo. He stood up kicking the coffee table, "Damn it!" Guess he asked Gwi-nam too.

"Why do you even ask?" Gwi-nam asked. The principal dug in his pocket and pulled out some keys. "Here's my car key. It's in the parking lot. License plate, 7340. If you guys both go, you guys have a chance to bring it here.

Gwi-nam and I both glanced at each other as if this man was crazy. "Why should we?" I blurted out making the principle turn to me. "What do you mean why? So we can leave this hell hole!" He exclaimed.

I smirked and Gwi-nam relaxing into the sofa saying, "No way." He was about to speak before I butt in. "I'm not risking my life for some old man. Besides, you could probably kick the bucket any day now, so what the point." I said.

"You bitch! I'm not that old! Do as I say, I'm your principle!" He yelled. I was unfazed and started to flip my switchblade open and closed. He grabbed my hair ready to hit me before Gwi-nam interrupted, making him let me go. "We said no."

They both looked at the kitchen knife at the table and tried to grab it. They stood up and started to fight for the knife. I yawned and watch Gwi-nam push the old geezer on the table. He fell back and Gwi-nam now had the knife.

"Fine. The two of you, get out of here." He said and gestured to the door. "Fat-chance." I said. "Listen to me. I said go." He said. "Because your the principal? Last time I checked, everyone you used to have power over, is fucking dead!" I said and glared at him.

He looked at me and smiled then said, "I could get the cops to listen to you y/n. Your parents, they can both be arrested, and you and your brother won't have to live with them anymore." I glared at him.

"How dare you, try to bribe me with lies!" I yelled and stomped towards him, with Hippo on my shoulder. "Get back!" He yelled and grabbed a plant. "My god, look at you. Alright Mr. Principal. If this were a game, I'd be happy to kill you sir." Gwi-nam said ominously.We both approached the now shaking man.


Suddenly the door burst open and I looked up to see, "Cho-Su!" I ran over and hugged him. "My name is Cheong-san." He said awkwardly. "That's what I said!" I pulled away scratching my neck. He looked behind me to Gwi-nam tying up the Principle.

"Is that the principle?" He asked. "Get these punks away from me!" He yelled. Gwi-nam shushed him. "What the hell, y/n." Cheong-San asked. "What, he was being an ass." I shrugged.

"Come here and tie him up. This bastard won't stay still." Gwi-nam said, "This bastard won't stay still. "Your both finished you hear me! I'm expelling you both! Untie me now!" The principal yelled.

Gwi-nam held a knife to the back of his head. "Gwi-nam stop it." Cheong-San said. "Stop why? This fucking guy, tried to kill us. He wanted us to go out and get his car!" Gwi-nam yelled.

"That may be an exaggeration, but still. He's a bastard and always has been." I said reassuring Cheong-San. He pulled out a phone and started to record. "Cho-Su?" I asked and stepped back.

Gwi-nam hid his knife behind his back. "That's great. Good idea." The principal said. "You can't honestly be defending this guy." I asked and pointed to the old man. "I'm filming everything." He said.

"Cmon, Cho-su, this old geezer doesn't care about anyone but himself. If it were up to him he'd abandon us the second he could." I yelled. "He's done it before, and he'll do it again!" I said pointing into Cheong-san's chest aggressively.

"Still, let him go. Or this will go to the police immediately." He said. "You little, I'll kill you." Gwi-nam said. "Just stop acting like human garbage. Cmon y/n your better than this guy." Cheong-san said and turned to Gwi-nam , "No one respects you just because you act tough."

"I'm the new boss of this school. Me and y/n are in charge from now on. Don't you get it."

"Don't make me laugh. Your just a fucking loser who will serve for his entire life."

"Woah ladies, let's calm down. Firstly I'm not on anyone's side. Plus I'd make a shitty leader-." I said and was only pushed onto the sofa by Gwi-nam. He approached Cheong-san.

Suddenly the principal tried to make a break for it. Gwi-nam noticed and sliced his neck open. Me and Cheong-san were suprised by this.

"Yo Gi-na, you didn't have to have to kill the old fart." I said and jumped out my chair towards the principal. "Shut up bitch! And my name is Gwi-nam!" He said and grabbed my collar. I held my switch blade to his neck without hesitation.

"A gentleman shouldn't manhandle women." I glared at him. He laughed and pushed me into Cheong-san. "Do I look like a fucking gentleman to you?" He asked and wiped his bloody knife on his shirt.

"What about you Cho-su? Do you still think I'm a loser? Are you with me or not?" He asked demandingly, "The phone." He held his hand out.

I stood in front of Cheong-san protectively waiting for him to respond. "You just murdered-" he said but was interrupted by Gwi-nam yelling, "Give me the phone!" He charged at us.

I ducked and tripped him while Cheong-san dodged his blade. While he was down he kicked my legs, making me fall to the floor. As he approached me with the knife, Cheong-san body slammed him over the coffee table. I quickly grabbed my things, with Hippo in my shirt pocket peaking his head out. I ran out the room with Cheong-san following behind me.

We ran and I heard Gwi-nam killing a zombie. "Gi -na! Your not you when your hungry! I have a snickers bar in my bag you could eat!" I shouted. "Shut up!" He yelled and threw his knife towards us. It missed Cheong-san, but was headed straight for me.

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