Forced To Buy A Vampire Slave -Chapter 59-

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I tucked the strand of hair that was blowing in the breeze behind my ear, licking the ice cream cone in my hands.

"Mmm, sugar." I smiled.

Drake nodded, licking the strawberry dessert. "It's so-o-o-o-o good."

My eyes went to Corey; he was sitting on the bench beside me, his forearms resting on the wooden table with the untouched ice cream come in front of him and his eyes stationed down.

I glanced over at Drake who shrugged lightly.

Drake's eyes scanned the premises. "Oh, hey, it's Christian, I haven't seen him in ages!"

I glanced over to see a blonde-haired guy sitting at a table by himself with a laptop in front of him.

"Neither have I." I noted.

"Hmm, I'm gonna go talk to him." Drake claimed, getting up and heading towards his direction.

It was no surprise Christian was here by himself; he'd always been kind of a loner and tended to spend his time on computers.

I hadn't talked to him in awhile but we use to be together, he was my boyfriend after I had broken it off with Nick. I couldn't quite remember why he and I had broken up, but I do remember I was the one who broke up with him.

"You know him?" Corey asked quietly.

I turned my attention to Corey, realizing I'd been looking at Christian for the past minute or so. "Um, yeah, yeah, I do."

He nodded, looking back down.

"Are you okay?" I questioned with concern.

He glanced over at me, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah...I'm fine." He breathed, smiling cynically and speaking with what seemed like sarcasm.

"Well, okay, I know you're not fine there anything I can do? God, that sounds stupid."

He inhaled deeply, straightening up. "No, it doesn't and truth be told there is something you can do but you already did it."

I pursed my lips, trying to think of what he was referring to.

"What did I do?" I finally asked.

"You cared." He stated.

I stared at him for a long moment then breathed a laugh. "Well, uh, of course I care, I mean..."

"Yes, of course you did. You cared enough that you cried when I told you. You cared enough to say something to Nick, and hurt him." He breathed a laugh. "You cared that I was hurt." He smiled tightly, glancing up at the sky.

"Well you know I care about you."

"Yeah, but it also means a lot when you show it.-And don't get me wrong, you show it all the time, I mean every single day we've been together you've showed it in some way, I didn't notice at first though but now I notice feels good, to know that someone cares about me. Like one of the main things you feel as a slave is that no one cares about you and you're absolutely worthless. So, when that happened with Nick it kind of knocked me back down to reality because I was use to having you, you cared about me and you didn't treat me badly. I didn't forget what it felt like; I jus didn't feel like that as much until..." He glanced down, putting an elbow on the table, his knee shaking anxiously. "I wish I didn't tell you that it happened."

"Why?" I questioned, swallowing back the rising feeling of guilt and grief.

"Because I-I just hate knowing that you're upset about it. I know, Arabelle, trust me I know how much it must have hurt you to..." He put his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes. "I can only imagine if I was in your situation, and you had been hurt," He inhaled deeply. "-I would've handled it so much worse than you did. I-I just- I can't even imagine what it must've been like for you and it just kills me to have to think about that."

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