Forced To Buy A Vampire Slave -Chapter 60-

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The plane ride was not an easy one.

My neurotic tendencies kicked in and my mind was racing with thoughts, none of which were good.

Of course I had Corey to help me feel better and he seemed to be in a very pleasant mood now since we were back together.

Thankfully the plane ride wasn't a long one to any extent and thanks to the distractions of Corey I made it through the flight without having a meltdown.

Life was pretty good.

Corey and I held hands as we walked out of the airport, following my Dad to the limo waiting for us.

Apparently the word had gotten out that I was arriving in New York and there were paparazzi circling the airport.

I'd almost forgotten what it was like to be the most famous person in this country since I'd been holed up in my house for the past week or so.

I tried to ignore the flashing cameras but they were grinding on my last nerve.

I pulled closer to Corey, gripping his hand tighter.

He looked down at me and grinned. "Not so much fun is it?"

I shook my head, smiling tightly. "Not at all. I'm surprised it doesn't drive you insane."

"It doesn't bother me." He said lightly.

"I wish I could say the same."

With a short ride to the hotel; the paparazzi still following and at the ready with their cameras as soon as we got out of the car, we arrived at one of the best and most expensive hotels in the city.

I gave a sigh of relief when we entered the hotel and I could see my Mother giving me a look I couldn't quite understand.

Then it clicked. She was probably wondering why I was holding hands with Corey.

She pulled me aside while Dad was checking in, asking to talk to me for a second.

"Mom, I already know what you're going to say." I sighed, glancing over at Corey who was standing next to Drake, looking bored and slightly annoyed; not very surprising though.

"I just want to clear some things up, that's all. I'm not going to lecture you." She soothed. "You and...Corey are back together."

I pursed my lips. "Yes."

"Are you sure about this?"

I sighed before she even finished her sentence.

"I just don't want to have a repeat of last time." She explained. "I want you to find someone who you can settle down with and I'm not sure it's him."

"Mom, there is no one else besides him. He's...he's the one for me."

"Well I trust you know what's best for you. And I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not telling you about my parents before. I didn't think that it was possible for you to become a vampire."

"Technically I'm a half-vampire." I pointed out.

"Still, I didn't know. I just hope we can reverse this before it's too late."

"I really don't think it's possible. What's the big deal anyway?"

"Arabelle, you're the Queen. That means that the Queen will be a vampire. I can't imagine people's reactions to this. You may very well end up having to resign from the throne if we can't fix this."

"But...I was going to marry Corey and he's a vampire that means he would've been King so..."

"Right, but I made it pretty clear to the press that he wouldn't be having anything to do with any decisions or anything involving the country. And if you don't remember, people were against you two getting married. No one was happy about it."

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