Forced To Buy A Vampire Slave~ 2

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After I left my parent's office, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cappuccino before sauntering upstairs to get myself together.

A quick hot shower sufficed and I pulled on a loose baby blue sweater and a pair of snug black jeans. Tripping as I tugged on my pair of black converse sneakers, I ambled back over to the mirror in  my bathroom.

I brushed out my long black hair, sweeping my bangs over to one side. I applied my usual makeup; mascara, blush, and a raspberry lipstick.

I heard my mom call for me from downstairs. 

Grabbing my cell phone, I left my bedroom and found her in foyer with my father.

"What?" I prompted as I approached them.

"Tone," She scolded lightly.

I pursed my lips, not saying anything.

"The car is waiting outside." She told me, her arm linked with dad's. "Don't even think about coming back here without a slave."

I held back  my disdain best I could, heading over to the front doors.

"-And try and have fun." Dad called after me.

I stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind me, walking down the steps.

Try and have fun? What sort of messed up message was that?

I ambled over to the sleek black limo idling outside under the shadow of the grand castle.

The driver, Mr. Smith, opened the door for me and I slipped into the backseat, sighing as I rested my head back against the seat.

The drive to the auction was about twenty minutes long, and I stewed over what I was about to go do the whole way there. The auction house where vampires were kept and sold to humans like cattle, bound in shackles and apparently as dead on the inside as the out.

Some people (most), seemed to think that just because a vampire's heart doesn't beat, and they may be scientifically considered dead, that they weren't capable of feeling or having emotions, so therefore they basically were like cattle, to be used and abused as anyone saw fit. I couldn't even get started on how absurd of a notion that was.

I followed Mr. Smith inside the dreary gray building, he'd been here before I was sure, and knew his way around.

We traveled down a hall, and entered a large room with a stage and podium. We took seats near the back and I anxiously glanced around.

There was man dressed up nice standing at the podium speaking.

I wasn't paying much attention to what he said.

The auction had already begun, and I sat there watched as each vampire was led out onto the stage by guards and then the bidding would begin. Most sold for around $8,000-10,000.

Obviously this was something only wealthy people attended.

I started feeling sick as I sat through the show of discremenation. I was disgusted by the whole act.

What sickened me the most was that people didn't even blink an eye at the horror of what was going on around them.

Could they not see what they were doing was so digustingly wrong?

Were they incapable of empathizing with another species?

I wished I could do something. Slavery should be outlawed for good. But there was no in hell parents would do anything like that. They fully supported the act of slavery. Hell, I swear they loved it.

I wasn't paying much attention to the stage, but I happaned to glance up and notice the vampire up there at the moment.

My gaze lingered on him, taking in the messy black hair and porcelian skin.

Oddly I felt drawn to him, and though I didn't support this, I wasn't going to get out of here without a slave, so I took the bidding paddle and raised it up, placing a bid.

© hauntmeup

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